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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee

In 2008, Ohio Department of Natural Resource’s Division of Wildlife (ODNR) reformed the Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee (OAISC) to address aquatic invasive species (AIS) in Ohio. The OAISC is made up of members representing government agency, industry, university, and non-profit stakeholder organizations and serves an informal advisory function. The group is chaired by John Navarro, ODNR and Eugene Braig, SENR.

Cover of Ohio Field Guide to Aquatic and Invasive Species with 3 images of invasive species.
Click here for the Ohio Field Guide to Aquatic and Invasive Species
, revised in 2024 in collaboration with the Division of Wildlife and Ohio Sea Grant.


To provide a forum for Ohio’s diverse resource-management agencies, industries, organizations, and communities to advise the state about the prevention and control of aquatic invasive species and for the state to inform those parties about developing issues and policy.


To benefit Ohioans in enhancing the conservation and sustaining the value of Ohio’s natural resources by informing effective policies and practices and by engaging stakeholders in preventing the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species.


Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Committee Meeting 17 June 2024 


Crafting a Vision Statement for Ohio’s Aquatic Invasive Species Committee — Eugene Braig, Ohio State University (OSU) Extension and Tory Gabriel, Ohio Sea Grant

Clean Marinas Outreach Efforts — Tracey Coe, ODNR


Ohio AIS Update: The good, the Bad, and the Ugly  John Navarro, ODNR

Aquaculture and AIS Monitoring and Management  Chris French, ODNR

Ballast Water Treatment and Lakers — Debra DiCianna, Lake Carriers Association (supporting document)

Flora incursio

European Frogbit Control Efforts at Old Woman Creek — Veronica Hardy, ODNR 

Ohio Hydrilla Meeting Notes Mark Warman — Cleveland Metroparks

Newly Listed Invasive Aquatic and Wetland Plants — Eugene Braig Ohio State University Extension

Ohio Invasive Plants Council (OIPC) Update  — Jennifer Windus, OIPC (as read by Eugene)

Fauna incursio

Genomic Assessment of Silver Carp Population Structure in the Mississippi River Basin — Mike Sovic, Freedom Genomics LLC


Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Committee, December 2023 Meeting Agenda

Indian Lake: A case study of how a reservoir stable state change resulted in an extreme invasion of Eurasian watermilfoil (and the need for intensive management)  Edward Kwietniewski, AquaDoc

Common Aquatic Invasive Plants and Treatment Methods — Carter Bailey, Aqua Doc 

Ohio Invasive Plants Council (OIPC) update — Jennifer Windus, OIPC (as read by Eugene) 

Ohio AIS field guide update and committee vision statement discussion — Tory Gabriel, Ohio Sea Grant and Eugene Braig, Ohio State University (OSU) Extension 

Choose native: coordinated invasive plant outreach in Pennsylvania — Amber Rose Stillwell, Pennsylvania Sea Grant 

Ohio AIS and Great Lakes–Mississippi River interbasin connections update — John Navarro, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife 

Central Ohio Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management update — Madison Wisniewski, Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District 

A brief discussion of Pond Loach in Ohio — Murphy Coan, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Surface Water 

What’s the catch? Trends in Grass Carp adult and egg captures — Ryan Brown, University of Toledo, Lake Erie Center 

Native freshwater mussels and impacts of invasive species — Dr. Ieva Roznere, Ohio State University 


Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Committee, May 2023 Meeting Agenda

Ohio Aquatic Invasive Plant Update  Mark Warman, Cleveland Metroparks

Overview of the use of ProcellaCOR EC for Eurasian watermilfoil control on Indian Lake  Edward Kwietniewski, AquaDoc

OAISC mission statement revisited  Eugene Braig, Ohio State University Extension 

AIS field guide update  John Navarro, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife 

Ohio’s Clean Marinas program and invasive species  Sarah Orlando, Ohio Sea Grant 

The Mississippi River Basin Panel of the national Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force  Greg Conover, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 

Round Goby introduction and range expansion in the Des Plaines River watershed, Illinois  Matt Sarver, Midwest Biodiversity Institute 


Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Committee, December 2022 Meeting Agenda

Ohio AIS Update John Navarro, ODNR Division of Wildlife

Central Ohio Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (COPRISM) Update  Chris Roshon, Preservation Parks of Delaware Co. and COPRISM 

Can UV exposure deter another "bloody" invasive? Understanding the role of ultraviolet radiation in the spread of Hemimysis anomala in the Great Lakes  Addison Zeisler, Miami University of Ohio 

Adaptive Management in Action: Grass Carp Control in the Great Lakes  Ryan Brown, University of Toledo — Lake Erie Center 

Vampires of the Great Lakes - Great Lakes Now - Episode 2206  Don Arcuri, Ohio Advisor at Large to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission 

ProcellaCOR Trials on Yellow Floating Heart  — Mark Warman, Cleveland Metroparks 

Detection of Hydrilla in Alum Creek Lake — Mark Warman, Cleveland Metroparks 


Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Committee, May 2022 Meeting Agenda

Ohio AIS Update John Navarro, ODNR Division of Wildlife

Ohio River Basin Restoration Initiative Update — Matt Misicka, Ohio Conservation Federation

A Hard Look at COMPETES Act, Section 71102, Lacey Act Amendments  National Aquaculture Association

The Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz  Sarah Orlando, Clean Marinas Program, Ohio Sea Grant

Genomic approaches to evaluate population structure of Mississippi River Basin Silver Carp  Michael Sovic, Freedom Genomics LLC and Guoqing Lu, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Ohio's Approach to Invasive Plant Regulation  Daniel Kenny, Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA)

Ohio Aquatic Invasive Plant Update  Mark Warman, Cleveland Metroparks


Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species(AIS) Committee, November 2021 Meeting Agenda

Eagle Killer Living on Hydrilla — Wilde et. al., Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources, University of Georgia and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Risk Assessment of Aquatic and Semi-aquatic Plants That Have Been Recommended for the Ohio Invasive Plants List — Earl Chilton, Capital University; Texas Parks and Wildlife, ret.

European Frogbit Identification and Control at Old Woman Creek NERR — Sebastian Mejia, OWC NERR; Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Office of Coastal Management

Dead giveaway: Changes in mortality rates signal grass carp control strategy effectiveness  Kaitlen Lang, Dr. Christine Mayer, Lake Erie CenterUniversity of Toledo

Ohio AIS Committee Organisms in Trade Session  John Navarro, ODNR Division of Wildlife

Autumn 2020

Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species(AIS) Committee, December 2020 Meeting Agenda

Central Ohio Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management Update — Karen Seidel, The Nature Conservancy

Status of Grass Carp Spawning in Lake Erie Tributaries and Implications for Management — Nicole King, University of Toledo and Patrick Kocovsky, U.S. Geological Survey

Ohio's Efforts to Eradicate Grass Carp from Lake Erie and Close their Direct Water Connections — John Navarro, ODNR Division of Wildlife

Aquatic Invasive Plant Pathways in Trade: Prevention Strategies in Ohio — Mark Warman, Cleveland Metroparks 

Autumn 2019

Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species(AIS) Committee, December 2019 Meeting Agenda

More History of Sea Lamprey in Lake Erie Don Acuri, Ohio Advisor at Large, Great Lakes Fishery Commission

The Invasive Asian Weatherfish in Ohio Doug Sweet, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife (ODW)

Update on Grass Carp in the Great Lakes Patrick Kocovsky, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Nicole King, University of Toledo

Three Invasive Macrophytes in Ohio:Nymphoides peltata, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, and Hydrilla verticillata Mark Warman, Cleveland Metroparks

The USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database: Tools and Capabilities for Tracking Non-native Aquatic Species  Matt Neilson, USGS

Full-lake Eradication of Dreissenid Mussels Using Low Doses of Ionic Copper David Hammond, PhD, Earth Science Labs, Inc.

ODA Listing Update Daniel Kenny, Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA)

OIPC Update Jennifer Windus, Ohio Invasive Plants Council (OIPC)

Asian Carp “à la Carte” John Navarro, ODW

Spring 2019

Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee, May 2019 Meeting Agenda

Using GLANSIS as an Information Resource and AIS Update Rochelle Sturtevant, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory

Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz  Sarah Orlando, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

Ohio Field Guide to AIS, and App?  Tony A. Gabriel, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

Vessel Incidental Discharge Act  Tom Rayburn, Lake Carriers’ Association

Central Ohio Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (CO PRISM)  Karen Seidel, CO PRISM

European Frogbit: New Aquatic Invasive to Ohio Breann Hohman, Erie Soil and Water Conservation District

Hydrilla Project +  Mark Warman, Cleveland Metroparks

2018 Grass Carp Spawning Updates  Patrick Kocovsky, U.S. Geological Survey and Nicole King, University of Toledo

Ohio Grass Carp Response Strategy John Navarro, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife

Non-native Fish Collected by Ohio EPA 1978 - 2018 Ben Rich, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

History of Sea Lamprey in Lake Erie Scott Winkler, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency


Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee, November 2018 Meeting Agenda

Central Ohio Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management: Update and Opportunities  Karen Seidel, The Nature Conservancy

Updates on AIS Prevention from the Recreational Boating Industry  Sarah Orlando, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

Latest Injurious AIS Candidate Species Discussion  Kevin Kayle, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife (ODW)

ODA Invasive Plant List and OIPC Recommendations  Dan Kenny, Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), Jennifer Windus, Ohio Invasive Plants Council (OIPC)

Making Progress on Closing Ohio’s AIS Connections  John Navarro, ODW

Hydrilla in Ohio’s Lakes  Matt Hangsleben, ODW, John Navarro, ODW

Grass Carp Spawning and SAV Survey Updates  Patrick Kocovsky, U.S. Geological Survey, Nicole King, University of Toledo

Grass Carp Postlude: Ohio’s Five-year Plan  John Navarro, ODW

AIS Vegetation Survey Updates, Kelso.

Changes in Distribution of Ohio’s Non-native Fish Species — Brian Zimmerman, Ohio State University, School of Environment and Natural Resources and Museum of Biological Diversity

The Ohio River Asian Carp Program  Neil Gillespie, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee, 14 May 2018 Meeting Agenda

Invasive Aquatic Species in Texas: An Overview  Earl Chilton, Texas Parks and Wildlife (retired)

A Draft Mission Statement for Ohio's Aquatic Invasive Species Committee Eugene Braig, Program Director, Aquatic Ecosystems

Invasive Crayfish in Ohio Roger Thoma, Midwest Biodiversity Institute

Ballast-water Perspectives on the Passage of the Coast Guard Authorization Act  Tom Rayburn, Lake Carriers’ Association

Hydrilla Project Update  Mark Warman, Cleveland Metroparks

Reproduction of Grass Carp in Lake Erie Tributaries  Patrick Kocovsky, U.S. Geological Survey

Asian Carp Threat in Ohio: Actions Being Taken to Minimize Their Risk  John Navarro, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife


Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee, 29 November 2017 Meeting Agenda

Separating the Divide  John Navarro, Aquatic Invasive Species Program Administrator, Ohio Division of Wildlife

Implementing an AIS Risk Assessment Policy  Kevin Kayle, ODNR Division of Wildlife

Vessel Incidental Discharge Act  Thomas Rayburn, Director of Environmental and Regulatory Affairs, Lake Carriers’ Association

European Frogbit  Breann Hohman, Watershed and Stewardship Coordinator, Erie Conservation District

Grass Carp: When and Where?  Nicole R. King, University of Toledo Department of Environmental Sciences and Lake Erie Center

Grass Carp Planned Action  John Navarro, Aquatic Invasive Species Program Administrator, Ohio Division of Wildlife

Central Ohio PRISM  Karen Seidel, The Nature Conservancy in Ohio

Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee, 9 March 2017 Agenda

Determination of Injurious Aquatic Invasive Species Policy John Navarro, Aquatic Invasive Species Program Administrator, Ohio Division of Wildlife

Expanded Detection and Control of Hydrilla in Ohio's Lake Erie Basin Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee Meeting, Mark Warman, Hydrilla Project Coordinator 9 March 2017

Potential Spread of Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata) in the Great Lakes Basin Kristen Hebebrand, Dr. Jon Bossenbroek, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Toledo

Plant Pest Control Program Overview- Invasive Plant Draft Regulations and Noxious Weeds Dan Kenney, Assistant Chief, Division of Plant Health

Assessing the Spawning Potential of Grass Carp in the Sandusky River Holly Embke, Christine Mayer, Song Qian (University of Toledo- Lake Erie Center); Patrick Kocovsky, Tatiana Garcia (U.S. Geological Survey)

Grass Carp Response Capabilities (Navarro) 2017  John Navarro, Fish Management and Research, Ohio Division of Wildlife


Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee, 21 June 2016 Agenda

Closing Ohio’s Direct Water Pathways — John Navarro, Aquatic Invasive Species Program Administrator, Ohio Division of Wildlife

Ballast Mechanics — Thomas Rayburn, Director of Environmental and Regulatory Affairs, Lake Carriers’ Association

Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA) — Eric Nygaard, Environmental Specialist, Ohio EPA Division of Surface Water

AIS Update from the American Boat & Yacht Council — Sarah Orlando, Ohio Clean Marinas Program Manager, Ohio Seat Grant

TNC AIS Outreach — John Stark, The Nature Conservancy

Asian Carp:  Bait and Live Fish Vector Initiatives in Ohio — John Navarro, Aquatic Invasive Species Program Administrator, Ohio Division of Wildlife

2015 and Earlier

Ohio Aquatic Invasive Species Committee July 2015 Meeting Agenda

Ohio's Response to the Great Lakes Mississippi River Interbasin Study  John Navarro, Fish Management and Research, Ohio Division of Wildlife

Invasive Species on the Mainstem Ohio River  Rob Tewes, Senior Aquatic Biologist, ORSANCO

Fundulus and Gambusia  Brian Zimmerman, Research Associate, Ohio State University Museum of Biodiversity and School of Environment and Natural Resources

USGS Grass Carp Research in the Sandusky River and Western Lake Erie  Patrick Kocovsky, Research Fishery Biologist, US Geological Survey Lake Erie Biological Station

Hydrilla Eradication Efforts at Cleveland Metroparks  Jennifer Hillmer, Invasive Plant Coordinator, Cleveland Metroparks

Ohio Sea Grant Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Programs Tory Gabriel, Extension Program Leader and Fisheries Outreach Coordinator, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

AIS Initiative Update Sarah Orlando, Ohio Clean Marinas Program Manager, Ohio Sea Grant College Program

Bait Inspection, Outreach, Response Strategies John Navarro, Fish Management and Research, Ohio Division of Wildlife

The Aquarium Renovation at the Toledo Zoo Jay Hemdal, Curator of Fishes and Invertebrates, Toledo Zoo