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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Healthy Soil Healthy Environment

A new signature program called Healthy Soil Healthy Environment was begun to help increase soil health and awareness of new research. Program outreach will include a new website, as well as workshops and field days where research results will be presented. This new program will serve a variety of clientele, including traditional, organic, no-till, sustainable and low-input farmers; landowners; 4-H youth; adult and youth urban gardeners; Master Gardener Volunteers; crop consultants; agricultural retailers; salesmen; under-served populations; and the general public. It will facilitate collaborative research and outreach efforts focused on soil health testing across the state with the ultimate goal of better management of soil resources.

To learn more please contact:

Steve Culman, Assistant Professor and State Specialist in Soil Fertility
School of Environment and Natural Resources
130 Williams Hall
1680 Madison Ave.
Wooster, Ohio 44691