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School of Environment and Natural Resources


FEREL Thesis & Dissertations

Palus, J. 2017. Influence of landscape position on succession in forests undergoing mesophication in southeastern Ohio .

Rose, S. 2017. Spider Community Response to Disturbances

Monarch, E.A. 2014. Ground-flora composition and diversity of young and mature wildfire-regenerated jack pine forests

Macy, T.D. 2012. Current composition and structure of eastern hemlock ecosystems of northeastern Ohio and implications of hemlock woolly adelgid infestation.

Smiell, N.R. 2012. Land use and land cover relationships to water quality in the headwaters of the Upper Sugar Creek watershed, northeastern Ohio. MENR Student Project Report.

Davidson-Bennett, K.M. 2011. Watershed urbanization impacts to headwater streams in northeastern Ohio.

Reinier, J.E. 2011. An assessment of plant community composition and structure of forested mitigation wetlands and relatively undisturbed reference forested wetlands in Ohio.

Colwell, S.R. 2009. Characterization of upland/wetland community types: changes to Flatiron Lake Bog over a 24-year period.

Ingman, E.M. 2009. Effectiveness of Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) removal treatments In ravine forests of central Ohio.

Whitman, H.L. 2009. Effects of adjacent land-use practices and environmental factors on riparian vegetation and water quality in the Sugar Creek Watershed, northeastern Ohio.

Miesel, J. 2009. Restoring Mixed-Conifer Forests with Fire and Mechanical Thinning: Effects on Soil Properties and Mature Conifer Foliage. 

Pinheiro, N.R. 2008. Composition, structure, and stand development of old-growth and second-growth beech-maple stands of Crall Woods, north-central Ohio.

Rasik, C.A. 2008. Compositions, structures, and potential carbon sequestration of Gross Woods and Lawrence Woods: two forests in the Central Till Plains of western Ohio.

Rist, S.G. 2008. Legacies of forest management and fire in mixed-pine forest ecosystems of the Seney National Wildlife Refuge, eastern Upper Michigan.

Holmes, K.L. 2004. Landscape factors influencing water quality and the development of reference conditions for riparian restoration in the headwaters of a Northeast Ohio watershed.

Wyse, T.C. 2004. Vegetation and disturbance history of coastal pine forests in northern Lower Michigan, U.S.A.

Completed Ph.D. Dissertations

Goss, C.W. 2014. Influence of forest fragments on headwater stream ecosystems in agricultural landscapes

Nyamai, P.A. 2013. Factors affecting regeneration-layer dynamics in mixed-pine forest ecosystems of eastern Upper Michigan and implications for forest ecosystem restoration.

Martin, K.L. 2012. Ecosystem dynamics in Central Appalachian riparian forests affected by hemlock woolly adelgid.

Holmes, K.L. 2008. The ecology and management of headwater riparian areas in the Erie Gorges Ecoregion of Northeastern Ohio.

Allen, B.P. 2007. Vegetation dynamics and response to disturbance in floodplain forest ecosystems with a focus on lianas.

Graham, G.W. 2005. Analysis of production practices and demography characteristics of the Ohio maple syrup industry.

Morris, A.E.L. 2005. Influence of stream corridor geomorphology on large wood jams and associated fish assemblages in a mixed deciduous-conifer forest in Upper Michigan.