CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Funding Sources


Funding Sources

Investigate university and outside sources such as those listed below to find a funding source that is applicable to your situation and need. Your faculty advisor and a Google search may offer additional ideas.

Guide to Graduate School Funding by Reena Patel on Working the Night Shift

Albert Schwitzer Fellowship

Boren Fellowships

Borlaug Fellowship (food security)

Environment Resources Management Foundation - funding for a Sustainability Initiative project

Fulbright Public Policy Fellowship

Global Rice Science Scholarships

National Research Council - Graduate, Postdoctoral, and Senior Research Associateship programs

OSU Coca Cola Sustainability Grants

OSU Council of Graduate Students Career Development Grant

OSU Council of Graduate Students Ray Travel Award

OSU Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships

OSU Graduate School Alumni Grants for Graduate Scholarship and Research (biannual competition, deadlines October and April)

OSU Graduate School Resources

OSU Office of Diversity and Inclusion

OSU Office of International Affairs - Global Gateway

OSU Pelotonia Fellowships


OSU Wetland Foundation

Philanthropic Education Organization (for women)

Soil Science Society of America

US EPA Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowships for Graduate Environmental Study

US Forest Service

Women & Science/Technology Policy to attend PLEN Seminar