The Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative (HABRI) seeks solutions for harmful algal blooms in Ohio
Ohio Sea Grant, on behalf of The Ohio State University, The University of Toledo and the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE), has released the 2023 research findings update for the statewide Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative (HABRI), which seeks solutions for harmful algal blooms in Ohio.
Faculty in the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) are leading projects in the featured focus areas of the newly published report.
Focus areas SENR faculty are leading the way to create new knowledge, new technologies and new approaches to solutions.
Track Blooms From the Source - projects in this focus area aim to improve use of existing technologies, as well as develop new methods to detect, prevent and mitigate harmful algal blooms and their impacts.
- Synergies of Multisource Remote Sensing and In Situ Water Quality Data to Enhance Satellite-Based Monitoring of HABs in Ohio’s Inland Lakes and Waters led by Kaiguang Zhao, The Ohio State University
Engage Stakeholders - complex issues like harmful algal blooms have many causes and many impacts, which means many different people have perspectives and roles to play in finding solutions.
- Effect of Soil Properties on Leaching Potential and Crop Uptake of Microcystin in Land Applied Drinking Water Treatment Residuals led by Nicholas Basta, The Ohio State University
- What’s the Real Nutrient Load Reduction Achieved Using Controlled Drainage Structures? led by Steve Lyon, The Ohio State University
On-going research in this featured focus areas is also underway with projects led by SENR, including:
- Optimizing Manure Application Timing and Soil Health Testing to Improve Water Quality Outcomes and Farmer Profitability led by Leonardo Deiss, The Ohio State University
New projects funded through the HABRI Initiative and led by SENR faculty include:
- Beneficial Use of Byproducts to Reduce P Loss from Agricultural Land led by Nicholas Basta, The Ohio State University
- Understanding the Performance of Cascading Waterways in Ohio Agricultural Landscapes led by Steve Lyon, The Ohio State University
Learn more about the HABRI-funded research projects in the just released 2023 Report
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