Bats Incredible held on January 25 in Geauga County, Ohio drew great interest – with 138 individuals in attendance. The workshop was a dynamic and collaborative effort involving Marne Titchenell, wildlife program director, OSU Extension, Geauga County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife.
“A big focus of this event was to raise awareness of bats and how property owners can play a role in bat conservation,” said Titchenell. “I commonly get questions on bat houses – what styles and where to put them – and other ways to promote bat habitat in backyards and larger acreages.”
When do bats commonly inhabit bat houses?
"Bats are mostly likely to inhabit the houses between April and August - when female bats are looking for roosting sites to give birth and raise their pups."
Titchenell also addressed other topics landowners and homeowners are interested in including forest management for bats, gardening for bats and making informed decisions about lighting around our homes. After the presentation, attendees were able to visit with experts at tables around the room on bats houses, the Dark Skies Initiative, bat biology, researching bats, and more.
What kinds of plants can gardeners grow to provide habitat for bats?
"Trees such as oaks, birch, and cherry, and perennials native to prairies, woodland edges, and wet meadow ecosystems will attract moths and other insects.
In short, providing a diversity of native plants is a great way to support a diverse insect community (food for bats)."
About Marne Titchenell
Marne provides leadership for science-based educational programming on bats and other wildlife across the state and develops partnerships for engaged learning to promote conservation and management of wildlife.