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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Controlled Prairie Burn Featured in The Columbus Dispatch

March 20, 2018
Members of the ADFER Lab participated in the controlled burn. Shown left to right are Rachael Glover (PhD ENR), Jo Kingsbury (PhD ESGP) and Julie Slater (MS ENR).  Photo courtesy of Matt Davies.

A controlled prairie burn at The Wilds is described via photos and a video feature in The Columbus Dispatch on March 16. Rebecca Swab, director of Restoration and Ecology at The Wilds narrates the video and discusses how their management practices go hand-hand with research on native plant and wildlife restoration efforts. The study is part of a research project with School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) graduate student Rachael Glover to investigate how quickly native grasses regenerate after fire. Rachel is advised by Matt Davies, an assistant professor of in Soil and Plant Community Restoration in the SENR.