Faculty at The Ohio State University were recognized on March 27, 2017 at the Faculty Recognition Reception hosted by President Michael Drake and Senior Vice President for Research Caroline Whitacre. The reception, held at the Faculty Club, honored Ohio State faculty members who received national or international awards during the period 2016-2017. Faculty members whose achievements reached outside or across academic disciplines were also recognized.
Honored by category from the School of Environment and Natural Resources were:
Fulbright Program
Fulbright Scholar, U.S. Department of State
Dr. Joseph Campbell
Influential Scholars
Highly Cited Researchers 2016– Agricultural Sciences, Thomson Reuters
Dr. Rattan Lal
Awards and Fellowships
Agricultural and Earth System Sciences Award, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomiq
Dr. Rattan Lal
Elsevier Atlas Award, Elsevier
Rattan Lal Distinguished University Professor, School of Environment and Natural Resources
Distinguished Rural Sociologist, Rural Sociological Society
Dr. Linda Lobao
Regional Excellence in College and University Teaching Award for Food and Agricultural Sciences, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Dr. Brian Lower
Photos of faculty honored are available for viewing here.