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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Faculty quoted in The Christian Science Monitor

June 20, 2018
Faculty quoted in The Christian Science Monitor.

Robyn Wilson, associate professor and Bill Mitsch, emeritus professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources are quoted in a recent article in The Christian Science Monitor. The article, "Wanted: Innovative farmers to help slow algal bloom on Lake Erie" discusses farmer and scientific efforts to understand and address Lake Erie water quality. 

Dr. Wilson’s research on farmer decision making in northwestern Ohio indicates that the majority of farmers are interested in changing their practices to reduce nutrient loss and improve water quality, however they lack confidence in the recommended practices from both the perspective of feasibility and effectiveness.

 A team of researchers, led by Dr. Mitsch, now also an eminent scholar, endowed chair and director at the Everglades Wetland Research Park in Naples Florida, are investigating wetlands that adsorb phosphorus and nitrogen from agricultural or urban runoff and recycle those nutrients back to agriculture. The experiment near Lake Erie in Defiance Ohio is one of several “wetlaculture” experiments in Ohio and Florida that his lab is running.

 Read the full story here