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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Graduate Student Elected to Council of Interdisciplinary Professional Society

April 6, 2017
Anne Junod, a PhD student in the School of Environment and Natural Resources specializing in Environmental Social Sciences, who was recently elected to the Council of the the International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR).

Congratulations to Anne Junod, a PhD student in the School of Environment and Natural Resources specializing in Environmental Social Sciences, who was recently elected to the Council of the the International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR).

IASNR is an interdisciplinary professional association open to individuals who bring a variety of social science and natural science backgrounds to bear on research and application strategies pertaining to the environment and natural resource issues.

Anne will serve as the Student Representative-Elect for 2017, then transition the following year to the Student Representative on Council as liaison between the Council and Student Affairs Committee.

Anne's research interests center around the social and environmental impacts of energy development, transmission, and transportation. Particularly, Anne focuses on oil and gas as well as on-and-offshore wind energy regimes and how their development contributes to community place meanings and risk perceptions.

Anne is also interested in multi-paradigm theoretical frameworks to examine place and identity perceptions associated with landscape and industrial development, including evolutionary biology, philosophy, aesthetics, and neuroaesthetics. In her research assistantship under the supervision of Dr. Jeffrey Jacquet, Anne supports the coordination of energy impacts research and researchers across social science disciplines as part of the NSF-funded Energy Impacts Research Coordination Network (