CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Graduate Students Present Research Proposals

May. 5, 2015
First-year master's students in the School of Environment and Natural Resources presented their thesis proposals at the 2015 Graduate Symposium, held on May 4, 2015. Graduate students will be conducting research on a range of environment and natural resource-related topics. 

Graduate students presenting their proposals:

Diana Marcela Ampudia Sjogreen, advisor Cathy Rakowski
Community Organizing: A Process to Empower Local Farmers and Generate Agricultural Development on Providencia Island, Colombia 
Jed Brensinger, advisor Kristi Lekies 
The Role of Mobile Technology Use in Experiences Of and Connection to Nature 
Kelly Claborn, advisor Jeremy Brooks 
Measuring the Environmental Efficiency of Well-being in Columbus, Ohio 
Ellen Comes, advisor Kris Jaeger 
Short-term Geomorphic Responses to Lowhead Dam Removal in a Mid-sized Urban River 
Danielle Cook (Vent), advisor Mazeika Sullivan 
Restoring Rare and Engangered Fishes in an Altered landscape, Scioto River Basin, OH 
Bobby Davis, advisor Mazeika Sullivan 
Changes in Fish Food-web Architecture and Contaminant Loads Following Lowhead Dam Removal in an Urban River System 
Matheus De Nardo, advisor Jeremy Brooks 
Impacts of Market Integration on Community Social and Economic Dynamics and Subsequent Outcomes of Community Forestry in Bhutan 
Kaley Donovan, advisor Stephen Matthews 
Landscape Scale Conservation of Songbird Diversity in Southeast Ohio’s Public Forestland 
Jazz Glastra, advisor Linda Lobao 
Exploitation and Stratification of Farmworkers in America 
Stacy Haught, advisor Kristi Lekies 
The Next Generation of Farmers? On-Farm Apprenticeship Across the U.S. 
Mackenzie Miller, advisor Konrad Dabrowski 
Optimizing Production of Monosex Female Yellow Perch Through Induced Gynogenesis 
Jenna Odegard, advisor Laura Pintor 
The Role of Biodiversity on Invasion Success in Coastal Wetlands of Lake Erie 
Matthew Porter, advisor Linda Lobao 
Motivations and Economic Diversification Strategies for Organic Farms at the rural Urban Interface 
Kristen M. Towne, advisor Konrad Dabrowski 
Production of All-femal Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) through Gynogenesis and Sex Reversal 
Anne Vascik, advisor Brian Slater 
Creation of a Physiographic Soils Map of Ohio Based on First Principles of Soil Formation 
Hugh Walpole, advisor Robyn Wilson 
The Role of Risk Attitudes in Evacuation Decision-Making in Wildfire 
Martha J. Zapata, advisor Mazeika Sullivan 
Effects of Ecological Light Pollution on Aquatic-Terrestrial Energy Flux in Estuarine Food Webs
May 6, 2015.