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School of Environment and Natural Resources


How to Make America’s Infrastructure Safer, Stronger, Greener: June 7

May. 31, 2016
The next Environmental Professionals Network breakfast program will look at making our infrastructure sustainable. (Photo: Rich Street Bridge, Columbus, by David Rigg, iStock.)
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The next breakfast program by the Environmental Professionals Network, a statewide professional group based at The Ohio State University, will look at improving America’s roads, bridges, water systems and more while also making them greener.
Aparna Dial, deputy administrator of the city of Columbus’s Department of Public Service, will present “Leadership for Sustainable Infrastructure” from 7:15 to 9:20 a.m. June 7 in Ohio State’s Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, in Columbus.
Dial previously was Ohio State’s director of energy services and sustainability.

‘Great experience and insights’

“She has great experience and insights on how to provide leadership to maintain, improve and innovate our regional, state and national infrastructure and to make it more sustainable,” said the network’s coordinator, David Hanselmann, a lecturer in the university’s School of Environment and Natural Resources.

Sign up by June 6

Admission to the event is open to both members of the network and the public. Registration is $10, includes breakfast and free parking, and is needed by noon June 6. Student registration is free and includes breakfast.
The agenda, details about the free parking and a link to register are at Students should select “Student scholarship” under payment method when they register.
For more information, contact Hanselmann at or 614-247-1908.
The school and two other Ohio State units — the Office of Energy and Environment and the Office of Student Life’s Energy Management and Sustainability program — are providing the free student registrations and breakfasts.
The event is also helping kick off the 2016 Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute, which is still accepting registrations at