A new Digital Internship Gallery is available featuring School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) students, who have recently engaged in an internship experience. The gallery serves as a good resource for those interested in knowing what it is like to work in the field of environment and natural resources.
On the value of an internship
“I consistently hear from alumni that the internships they did during college were pivotal in helping them find their passions and land a job after graduation,” said Lucia Hadella, career advisor and career development coordinator for the SENR. “Employers value the knowledge that students gain in the classroom, but they want to hire people who already have some experience in applying that knowledge outside of the classroom as well. Completing an internship (or multiple!) is a great way to demonstrate your readiness to work as an environmental professional," Hadella said.
The new Digital Internship Gallery highlights internships students held from 2019-2020.
Access the videos and posters to find out how students found their internships, what they did while on the job, and what they learned HERE.
Hadella also shared a few tips for students interested in jumpstarting their success in finding greater opportunities and applied experiences.
- Start your search early! You should start looking for internships as early as September/ October for the following summer.
- Take advantage of SENR/CFAES career development resources. Schedule a career advising appointment to work on your résumé and cover letters. Use Handshake to search for positions and register for career fairs that take place each semester.
- Get involved. One of the top ways that students find internships is through networking. Volunteer in the community, join student clubs and organizations relevant to your career interests, and attend events and workshops.
If you are an employer wishing to recruit interns, learn more about ways to connect with SENR students.