A recent press release by the National Farm Medicine Center features research conducted by SENR alum Florence Becot ('20 PhD Rural Sociology) and faculty member Shoshanah Inwood in the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Both are rural sociologists and Becot is currently an associate scientist at the NFMC.
In "Majority of farm families worry about major medical expenses, and it could threaten their farm business," the findings of a published study in the peer reviewed journal, Agriculture and Human Values authored by the rural sociologists and with implications for farm viability and resilience is discussed.
The authors of the study, in their analysis of more than 900 surveys of farm households from 10 states found "a top worry for farm families is the impact a major illness or injury that leads to medical debt would have on the farm enterprise."
Read more about their findings and implications.
The National Farm Medicine Center (NFMC) is part of the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute and was established in response to ccupational health problems seen in farm patients coming to Marshfield Clinic. Learn more about NFMC here.