The School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) welcomes Ramiro Berardo to the faculty this year. Ramiro joins the SENR as a visiting assistant professor of Environmental and Natural Resources Policy.
Ramiro holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Florida State University and has held faculty positions at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and the University of Arizona. He also spent several years as a researcher at Argentine National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), where he led research on the ecology of policy games in the Paraná River Delta as part of a multi-estuary research project funded by the National Science Foundation.
Ramiro’s research focuses on collective action problems in the use of common-pool resources and how groups form, evolve and achieve cooperative solutions to those problems. He has studied these problems in the context of water resources, but is quick to note that other resources are just as impacted by these problems. In his work, Ramiro employs social network analysis to investigate patterns of interaction among policy actors and how those interactions impact cooperative behaviors and outcomes.
Ramiro’s research has been published in a number of scientific journals, including the American Journal of Political Science, Global Environmental Politics, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Policy Studies Journal, and Journal of Politics.
Ramiro will teach Environmental and Natural Resources Policy (ENR 4000) during autumn semester and is excited to interact and develop the talents of both undergraduate and graduate students. He also looks forward to joining the community of scholars and practitioners focused on water resources here in Ohio.
Ramiro’s office is located in Kottman Hall on the Columbus campus of The Ohio State University.