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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Newly funded project to design mentoring program

Jan. 22, 2015
Anne Baird and Joe Bonnell, program directors with OSU Extension in Ohio State University’s School of Environment and Natural Resources are the lead investigators on a newly funded project from the North Central Region Water Network.  The project, Mentoring for Early Career Extension Educators: A System Approach to Nutrient Management, will bring together experts from a variety of disciplines to identify the knowledge and skills needed to facilitate systems approaches to nutrient management. This information will be used to design a mentoring program for early career Extension educators in the North Central Region. According to Bonnell, "We're focusing on early career county extension educators and field specialists because these individuals often work directly with farm operators to make recommendations for improving farm profitability and reducing environmental impacts." The project will utilize webinars to obtain feedback on how to develop a nutrient management mentoring program for early career Extension educators and to deliver an educational program on a systems approach. Learn more about this project here.