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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Ohio Sea Grant Announces Knauss Fellowship Finalists and Placements

Nov. 29, 2023
Jai Tiarks

Ohio Sea Grant is proud to announce five Ohio finalists are part of the 44th class of the prestigious John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship, a year-long program that places highly qualified graduate students in host offices in the legislative and executive branches of U.S. government. Jai Tiarks, a PhD candidate in the School of Environment and Natural Resources is one of the finalists and placed in NOAA’s Oceanic and Atmospheric Research International Activities Office. 

“Our program continues to send accomplished groups of Ohio finalists to Washington, D.C. each year,” said Dr. Kristen Fussell, associate director for Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory. “Each of these outstanding finalists will be assets to the federal offices in which they are being placed.” Read the full announcement and learn about the fellows and their placements >>