The ENR Alumni Society and the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) celebrated the 2020 inductees to the ENR Honorary 100 on Sept. 30.
A reception was held in Kottman Hall to recognize four individuals, with leadership in environment and natural resources and special interest in the school, its programs and activities through their involvement in events, programs, scholarship, professional development, donor support, and related activities.
ENR Alumni Society President Neal Sargeant presided over the ceremony to induct the 2020 honorees with SENR Interim Director and Professor Eric Toman providing opening remarks.
Jerry Bigham, PhD, SENR professor and SENR Director – Emeritus for scholarly contributions and service to soil science and leadership of SENR and vital role to establish the School of Natural Resources as the School of Environment and Natural Resources.
Daniel Balser, Chief, ODNR Division of Forestry for leadership and stewardship of our forestry resources and service to the School of Environment and Natural Resources.
Lorraine Winters Krzyzewski, Watershed Manager, City of Columbus for leadership and educational outreach on sustaining our water resources and engagement with SENR.
Mark Dilley, Mad Scientist Associates, LLC and ENRAS; Professional Wetland Scientist, Certified Senior Ecologist; Chief Scientist - MAD Scientist Associates, LLC for nearly 30 years of volunteering and service to the School and active engagement with our students and alumni.
About the ENR Honorary 100
Dr. Bob Teater, the school’s director in 1969 formed a group of friends and supporters known as the Honorary 100. Over the year’s individuals with a special interest in the school and its programs and activities have been recognized as members of the Honorary 100.
Learn more about the ENR Honorary 100
Enjoy a video of the festivities across the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, including our Honorary 100 celebration hosted by the ENR Alumni Society and the School of Environment and Natural Resources.