Graduating students, their families and friends and faculty and staff in the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) gathered to celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of the Class of 2018.
A reception honoring those graduating from the School of Environment and Natural Resources was held Friday, May 4, 2018 in the Kottman Hall lobby. Light refreshments were served with remarks from The Ohio State University Alumni Association’s Don Stenta, assistant vice president of alumni experiences and the president of the School of Environment and Natural Resources Alumni Society (ENRAS), Matt Perry (Class of 2010).
Associate Professor Eric Toman, who serves as the chairperson for the school’s graduate program congratulated the doctoral and masters graduates.
Graduate degrees awarded during spring semester included:
Doctor of Philosophy
Mohammad Alam
Thomas Delomas
Master of Science
Matthew Barnett
Chelsea Crosby
Federico Holm
Sarah Walton
Emily Grover
Martha Zapata
Master of Environment and Natural Resources (MENR)
Margaret Hamer
Xinjue Ke
Colleen Sharkey
A presentation of awards with remarks from Professor and Director of the SENR Jeff Sharp and Academic Program Manager Renee Johnston concluded the evening festivities.
On the Class of 2018
Director Sharp complimented the graduating class on the tremendous impact the graduating class has had through their coursework, internships, and extra-curricular activities on the campus, community and world. "Their impact includes helping to map out management of the campus to support ecosystem services, continued inventorying of natural resource assets on the Mansfield campus and their further development, and aiding in the bringing of water systems to a rural region of Tanzania," Sharp said.
“The students have contributed to the research of faculty and positively impacted their peers across campus to think more deeply about sustainability."
We look so forward to learning about the impact they all have as they start their careers beyond Ohio State and we look forward to remaining a continued resource and source of support through alumni networks and opportunities to support further professional development, he said.
Students in attendance and graduating with honors designations (Honors Research Distinction, Latin Honors, and research distinction) were recognized as part of the awards presentation and received the honors braid to wear over their gown at commencement. View photo gallery of recognition reception, award presentation and commencement.
2018 Distinguished Senior Awards
A special part of the evening was the unveiling of awards recognizing strong leadership and academic performance among graduating seniors. Faculty and staff in the SENR nominated students for these awards. Five students were selected based on their record of leadership, community service and achievement in academics and/or undergraduate research. Recipients of the Environment and Natural Resources Distinguished Senior Awards for 2018 were:
Katie Brown, Environmental Science major
Sarah Fischer, Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability major
Sarah Miles, Environmental Policy and Decision-Making major
Chas Parise, Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife major
Ris Twigg, Environmental Policy and Decision-Making major
Congratulations to all of the graduates.