SENR News Highlights
Late February 2021 News Highlights for the School of Environment and Natural Resources.
Find out what's new in the school, learn about recent publications, celebrate recognitions with us and plan to attend (virtually) programs offered and much more!
The College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) has named its top 25 seniors. The Distinguished Senior Award honors top graduating seniors on the Ohio State Columbus campus who exemplify the CFAES mission in areas such as academics and scholarship, research and innovation, service and involvement, and influence and leadership.
Congratulations to the following Distinguished Seniors from the SENR:
- Tara Allen, Environmental Science
- Brian Bush, Environmental Science
- Melina Mallory, Environmental Science
- Jayson Velazquez, Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability
A recognition ceremony will be hosted by the CFAES in early April to celebrate the top graduating seniors. Read more here.
Recent Publications
Diesburg, K.M., Sullivan, S.M.P, and D.W.P. Manning. 2021. Stream-riparian trophic linkages respond to a terrestrial invader. Biological Invasions
Gould, P.R. and W.E. Peterman. 2021. Life history mediates the effects of habitat variation on salamander abundance: a multiscale assessment. Landscape Ecology DOI: 10.1007/s10980-020-01167-6
Featured News
Faculty members Jeffrey Jacquet and Robyn Wilson presented at The Sustainability Institute’s inaugural energy symposium Energy Transition and Decarbonization held on Feb. 10-11. Dr. Wilson presented, “Land-use behavior and keeping the ecological carbon isolated” and Dr. Jacquet served as a discussant for the session with Robert Socolow, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Princeton University and presented, “Community Impacts” in the session, Power To, For and From the People. Learn more about the symposium here.
2021 Knauss fellowship finalists have completed Placement Week in Washington. D.C. - Margaret Beetstra, a PhD graduate in the School of Environment & Natural Resources at The Ohio State University was placed in NOAA’s Office of Education as a Science Education and Policy Fellow, where she will support the NOAA Education Council, working on engagement strategies between the Council and Office of Education, and developing communication products to showcase NOAA Education. She will also coordinate the Coastal Ecosystem Learning Centers Network. Read more about the Knauss fellowship finalist placements here.
On Social
On Instagram GradRoots, the official graduate student organization of the School of Environment & Natural Resources at The Ohio State University is celebrating and honoring BLACK HISTORY in the Environmental Sciences with features (so far) honoring scholars in environmental justice, soil science and environmental education. Read their features on Instagram.
The Knowledge Exchange (KX) announced their 2021 KXpress Scholarship recipients for creative science communications projects related to one of the five priority areas, called grand challenges, for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences: water quality, the urban-rural interface, farm and community stress, food waste, and food security. Read about the winners and their projects here (including EEDS major Liam Nigro) or on Twitter.
Up Next: Virtual Events / Webinars / Programs
Click to View the Entire Spring SENR Seminar Series Flyer and link to join
On February 25: The spring 2021 SENR Seminar Series welcomes Steven Scyphers, assistant professor of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Northeastern University, who will present, "Social-Ecological Sustainability along Coastlines: Promise, Progress, and Panaceas." Join via Zoom at 4:10 p.m.
Escape to the Forest with the Ohio Woodland Stewards (OWS) Program!
Plan to attend the 2021 Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference March 1-3 featuring presentations on native trees and shrubs for wildlife, prescribed goat grazing, Spotted Lanternfly, Ticks and tick-borne disease in Ohio and much more!
Agenda, details on registering Available Now. The deadline to register for the conference is February 28, 2021.
View the Ohio Woodland Water and Wildlife Conference Program
Escape to the Forest Recap:
Recap 1: Assistant Professor Matt Davies presented "Picking Pawpaw Patches - Managing Woodlands for Pawpaw Production" on February 19. Stay tuned for the recording of his talk to learn more about the serendipitous origins of the Pawpaw research he is conducting and the findings from the collaborative research on fruiting success and yield and options for stand management.
Recap 2: Learn about Ohio's state tree with OSU Extension's Ann Chanon, who explores buckeye biology and identification along with species attributes and limitations. Consideration of their importance for pollinators and wildlife is also discussed.
Registration is open for the 2021 Virtual Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference held over four themed days (March 9-12) – crop management, nutrient management, pest management and soil and water management. Faculty member Steve Culman is part of a panel on Meeting Soybean Fertility Needs on March 9. Details on the conference, including the program and how to register available here.
Join the Environmental Professionals Network (EPN), the Water Management Association of Ohio and TerrAqua on March 9 for a virtual event on water affordability and equity strategies to support residents in marginalized communities. In addition to the featured program, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in networking roundtables connecting students and water resource professionals. Learn more about this virtual event and how to register here.
Thank you our presenters from Cardinal Health, Inc. (and who are also SENR alumni!) and Net Impact and participants for joining us in February for our program on sustainable pathways. If you missed the virtual program, it is available here on YouTube.
Faculty member Christine Sprunger will present a webinar “Management Practices That Impact Soil Health and Organic Matter” on March 17, 2021 at 11 a.m. The webinar is part of the Organic Production Winter Webinar Series. Learn more about the series here and other scheduled webinars.