On May 21 SENR hosts the Symposium, The Evolving Role of the School of Environment and Natural Resources: Addressing Environmental Change. The dean of the Nicholas School of the Environment, Dr. Bill Chameides will provide the keynote and two panel sessions featuring environmental leaders and professionals will discuss the evolving role of the School of Environment and Natural Resources and what is needed to prepare the next generation of students and lifelong learners for environment and natural resources careers.
Our Extension and Outreach programs have an exciting line-up of educational and leadership opportunities to attend and share with your networks. The Environmental Professionals Network will host on May 14 Dr. Steven Amstrup, chief scientist and VP of Polar Bears International who will present, “Certainties, Uncertainties, and Truth about Polar Bears and Global Warming, and What It Means to You.” The Breakfast is sponsored by the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium with support from OSU’s Byrd Polar Research Center.
The Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute will offer a 3-session leadership program starting in June focused on leading for sustainability, leading for climate change, and leading on energy and includes speakers from academia, nongovernmental organizations, local government and planning. The registration deadline to participate in this leadership program is June 3, 2013.
The Ohio Woodlands Steward Program will offer a workshop May 17 on Ohio’s Non-Native Invasives and launch a new 4-part seminar series on the OSU Mansfield campus on non-native invasive species beginning on June 4.