SENR's Dr. Richard Moore and Dr. Robyn Wilson are part of the multidisciplinary Vegetable Safety Research and Extension Team studying how produce gets contaminated, then uses that knowledge to develop new control methods that are science-based, affordable, socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable. At this year's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) Annual Research Conference they were awarded the Multi-disciplinary Team Research Award. The prestigious OARDC Multi-disciplinary Team Research Award (only awarded every three years) recognizes scientists who have made outstanding research contributions in advancement of food, family, agricultural and environmental sciences and technology.
Jedediah Stinner's poster, “Ecological Impacts of Organic Dairy Production on Primary Headwater Streams in Northeast Ohio” was also recognized at the conference. His research poster was awarded first place in the M.S. poster category at the this year's Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) Annual Research Conference. The poster competition, a highlight of the conference, recognizes outstanding posters -- displays detailing research projects -- by OARDC-supported Ph.D. and master’s degree students, postdoctoral researchers, and research assistants and associates. Jedediah is an M.S. student in the Environmental Sciences Graduate Program and is advised by Dr. Richard Moore.
The 2013 OARDC Annual Research conference was held on Thursday, April 25, 2013 at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-Center. Read more about the Team and their research here.