CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


SENR's Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab To Participate in Annual Fish and Wildlife Conference

Jan. 15, 2014

On January 26 – 29, over 800 biologists and students will gather in Kansas City, Missouri for the 74th annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Attendees from state, federal, and tribal natural resource agencies across twelve Midwestern states will enjoy over 400 technical talks, poster displays, plenary sessions, networking opportunities and social events. Among the attendees will be members of Ohio State’s Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab (TWEL) graduate students, faculty, and staff, giving six presentations and posters at the conference. TWEL is a research group in the School of Environment and Natural Resources aiming to support stewardship of wildlife resources, engage stakeholders, and educate and train current and future wildlife biologists.

At the conferenRandall Knapik, graduate student in the School of Environment and Natural Resources and presenter at upcoming Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference with a bobwhite.ce, the following members of TWEL will be participating:

Coree A. Brooks (Robert J. Gates co-author) will present a paper entitled Vegetation Response and Enhancement for Northern Bobwhite in Southwest Ohio.

Randall T. Knapik (Robert J. Gates co-author) will present a paper entitled Northern bobwhite demographic response to land-use change and winter weather patterns.

Gabriel R. Karns (with co-authors Robert J. Gates, Stephen N. Matthews, Jeremy T. Bruskotter, and Michael J. Tonkovich (ODNR)) will present a paper entitled Predictors of Female White-tailed Deer Harvest:  Delineating New Deer Management units Based on Spatial Homogeneity in Ohio.

Jason T. Tucker (Robert J. Gates co-author) will present a paper entitled Movements, home range, and habitat use of greater Sandhill Cranes (Grus Canadensis tabida) in Ohio.

Keith A. Norris
(with co-authors Robert J. Gates, Paul G. Rodewald (Cornell University), H. Thomas Bartlett (Cleveland Museum of Natural History), Tom Kashmer (Sandusky County Parks Department), John Simpson (Winous Point Marsh Conservancy), Mark Shieldcastle (Black Swamp Bird Observatory), and James B. Cole (The Nature Conservancy)) will present a poster entitled Using aspects of shorebird migration stopover ecology to inform habitat conservation planning in the Great Lakes Region.

Lauren H. Blyth (with co-authors Stephen N. Matthews and Todd F. Hutchinson (US Forest Service)) will present a poster entitled The role of within-treatment habitat gradients in evaluating the effect of forest management.

For more information about the conference, visit

(L) Randall Knapik, SENR graduate student and presenter at this year's conference with a bobwhite. Photo credit: Chip Gross
(R) Coree Brooks, SENR graduate student and presenter at this year's conference with a bobwhite.