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School of Environment and Natural Resources


Stay Connected with The Alumni Connection

Nov. 14, 2013

SENR Alumni and Friends,

In our hopes to foster a closer relationship and keep our alumni up to date on things that are happening in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, we invite you to check out our latest newsletter -  The Alumni Connection.

SENR has been expanding and growing. We are very excited; as I am sure many of you are, about this renewed passion for the environment exhibited by a growing number of students. In addition, there have been many new and exciting changes to the SENR Alumni Society. We hope you take a few minutes from your day to explore these new changes, learn about our past, what our future has in store and how you can become involved.

As a reminder please plan to attend our annual General Members meeting on November 20th at the Longaberger Alumni House from 6-8 p.m. Please RSVP to SENRAS President Matt Perry (

Matt Perry, President SENRAS