Faculty member Robyn Wilson is leading an interdisciplinary team project seeking to identify how to promote sustainability and resilience in the Eastern Corn Belt and how farmers’ can adapt to climate-induced risks and uncertainties, while supporting both agricultural production and the protection of critical ecosystem services.
A new website Agroecosystem Resilience describes the project, shares findings and key takeaways of the team's research is available here.
One of the infographics available on the new website (shown below - click image to expand view) demonstrates the preferred climate adaptation strategies of farmers, which include installing more drainage tile, increased usage of conservation tillage, changing one’s crop insurance coverage, and retired land for conservation. These strategies are more likely to be pursued by larger farms and those directly experiencing climate impacts, and less likely among those with smaller farms, who are older and have experienced fewer impacts.
If you are interested in more information, please contact the Project Director Robyn Wilson, at Wilson.1376@osu.edu or 614-247-6169 for more information. This project is funded by NIFA Award No. 2018-68002-27932.