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School of Environment and Natural Resources


That's a Wrap! SENR Ends Semester on High Note

April 30, 2014

SENR wrapped spring semester 2014 up on a high note with faculty, staff and students receiving recognitions and good news.  

Late Spring 2014 Recognitions and Awards

College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences spring recognition banquet

At this year's College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences spring recognition banquet themed "Owns the Night" and hosted in the Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom on The Ohio State University campus several members of SENR were recognized for their outstanding service, leadership, teaching and academic achievements. Congratulations to all of the award winners!  Below are some highlights from the evening:

Outstanding Service to Students
Renee Johnston, Academic Program Manager, School of Environment and Natural Resources
Rodney F. Plimpton Outstanding Teacher Award
Brian Lower, Assistant Professor, School of Environment and Natural Resources
Outstanding Seniors
Clair Bullock, Environmental Policy and Decision Making major
Matheus DeNardo, Natural Resource Management major
Lee Johnston Scholarship Award
Rachel Hefflinger, Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife major
(shown in photo below with Matt Perry, president, School of Environment and Natural Resources Alumni Society)
Visit Ohio's Country Journal to read more about this exciting annual event.

ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Reception

Kerry Ard, assistant professor of environmental and natural resource sociology was honored on April 29th at a reception at the University of Michigan for exceptional scholarly work for her doctoral dissertation that focused on how social processes create and sustain environmental inequalities by race and class and how these unequal exposures are linked to health disparities.  The 2013 ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award recipients (shown below) each receive a $1,000 honorarium. The annual competition is co-sponsored by ProQuest and Rackham Graduate School at the University of Michigan.


15th Annual Wolfe Study Abroad Recognition Luncheon

Michelle Kaiser, an undergraduate majoring in Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife was awarded a Wolfe Study Abroad Scholarship at the 15th Annual Wolfe Study Abroad Recognition Luncheon on April 16 at the Faculty Club Grand Lounge.  The scholarship is made possible through an endowment established in 1999 by Mr. John F. Wolfe of the Dispatch Printing Company, and is designated for deserving Ohio State students from Ohio who study abroad at the undergraduate level. Michelle was one of 31 recipients of the award and will be studying abroad in China. Michelle is shown here receiving her award from John F. Wolfe, Chairman, CEO of The Dispatch Printing Company.

Udall Honorable Mention

Jim Palus, a third-year environmental science major and Honors student in SENR, received Honorable Mention as part of this year's Udall Scholarship program. His honors thesis, guided by Lauren Pintor (shown in picture below with Jim), an assistant professor of aquatic ecology in SENR investigates the causes and management of harmful algal blooms in Central Ohio's Choctaw Lake; the results will help improve the lake and downstream water quality. Previously, Jim conducted evolutionary biology research on epigenetic inheritance of cichlids in the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory. He has been recognized with a number of awards, including an Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center SEEDS Grant, a USG Enrichment Grant, and a Smith International Agricultural Fund scholarship.

More Good News

A number of SENR faculty and staff received good news on submissions to a number of Ohio State funding opportunities.

Kerry Ard, assistant professor of environmental and natural resource sociology received notification that her service learning proposal to support her Rural Sociology course - Population, Place and Environment was accepted for funding by The Ohio State University's Service Learning Initiative.

Kerry Ard, assistant professor of environmental and natural resource sociology was awarded an Ohio State University Critical Difference for Women Research Grant to conduct survey research on pollution.

Joe Bonnell, program director, watershed management was awarded a Course Development and Enrichment Grant from Ohio State University's Service Learning Initiative to develop a service-learning component for the Dominican Republic study abroad program, which is offered through the School of Environment and Natural Resources. 

Suzanne Gray, assistant professor of aquatic physiological ecology was notified by the Office of International Affairs and the Office of Research that she was selected to receive a Gateway Research Seed Grant for her research proposal, “Linking freshwater biodiversity and water quality in Uganda through research and education.”


May 2, 2014