Ever wonder what kinds of hawks and owls we have in Ohio? Want to enjoy wildlife in your own backyard? Have a well, but don’t know how to maintain it? Want to better understand the diagnostic details of invasive species? You are in luck – visit the Gwynne Conservation Area during the 2013 Farm Science Review held September 17 – 19 to learn about these topics and more! Held annually the Farm Science Review, a three-day farm trade show draws more than 130,000 farmers, growers, producers and agricultural enthusiasts from across the U.S. and Canada.
According to Marne Titchenell, Ohio State University Extension wildlife program specialist, “This year at the Gwynne, thanks to the help of 31 different presenters, we are offering a jammed packed schedule of 40 different talks throughout the three days of Farm Science Review.” She notes presenters represent multiple departments within the Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, as well as experts from around and outside of the state; county and state Extension educators and specialists, Purdue University Extension specialists, and state and federal agencies. The Gwynne will also host over 20 education displays on exhibit, and a variety of demonstrations including feral swine trapping techniques, electrofishing and macroinvertebrate sampling, operation of a dry fire hydrant, and the ever popular 4-H Shooting Sports. Visit http://gwynne.osu.edu/programs/fsr/schedules.html to view the presentation schedule to help plan your visit.
The School of Environment and Natural Resources’ academic team will also be on hand at the Review providing information about SENR’s academic programs to those interested in learning more.
Held annually the Farm Science Review, a three-day farm trade show draws more than 130,000 farmers, growers, producers and agricultural enthusiasts from across the U.S. and Canada. Farm Science Review pre-show tickets are $7 at all OSU Extension county offices, many local agribusinesses, and also online at http://fsr.osu.edu/visitors/tickets. Tickets are $10 at the gate. Children 5 and younger are admitted free.