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School of Environment and Natural Resources


2024 Digital Internship Gallery

Learn Through Experience 

If you want to know what it's like to work in the field of environment and natural resources, then you need to go out and do it! That's what SENR students have been doing through a variety of engaging internships. This Digital Internship Gallery highlights internships from 2023. Click through videos and posters to listen and read more about how students found their internships, what they did while on the job, and what they learned. If you are an employer wishing to recruit interns, learn more about ways to connect with SENR students. 

View gallery from 2020 | View gallery from 2021 | View gallery from 2022 | View gallery from 2023

2024 Internships

Janelle Emmett City of Columbus

Janelle Emmett | EEDS

Emma Hart

Emma Hart | EPDM

Halle Tebbe

Halle Tebbe | EEDS

Janelle Emmett City of Columbus

John Smith | EEDS

Janelle Emmett City of Columbus

John Smith | EEDS

Janelle Emmett City of Columbus

John Smith | EEDS