Selected Publications of S. Mazeika P. Sullivan [pdf format]
Cianfrani, Christina M., S. Mazeika Pl. Sullivan, W. Cully Hession and Mary C. Watzin. 2012. Multitaxonomic approach to understanding local- versus watershed-scale influences on stream biota in the Lake Champlain Basin, Vermont, USA. River Research and Applications 28:973-988.
Kautza, Adam and S. Mazeika P. Sullivan. 2012. Using a process-based catchment-scale model for enhancing field-based stream assessments and predicting stream fish assemblages. Aquatic Conserv. Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 22:511-525.
Kautza, Adam and S. Mazeika P. Sullivan. 2012. Relative effects of local- and landscape-scale environmental factors on stream fish assemblages: Evidence from Idaho and Ohio, USA. Fundam. Appl. Limnol. 180(3):259-270.
Sullivan, S. Mazeika P. and Amanda D. Rodewald. 2012. The energetic pathways that move contaminants from aquatic to terrestrial environments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31(6):1175-1183.
Sullivan, S. Mazeika P. 2012. Geomorphic-ecological relationships highly variable between headwater and network mountain streams of northern Idaho, United States. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1-12.
Jackson, Breeanne K., S. Mazeika P. Sullivan and Rachel L. Malison. 2012. Wildfire severity mediates fluxes of plant material and terrestrial invertebrates to mountian streams. Forest Ecology and Management 278:27-34.
Sullivan, S. Mazeika P. and Kerri T. Vierling. 2012. Exploring the influences of multiscale environmental factors on the American dipper Cinclus mexicanus. Ecography 35:624-636.
Sullivan, S.M.P. and M.C. Watzin. 2010. Towards a functional understanding of the effects of sediment aggradation on stream fish condition. River Res. Applic. 26:1298-1314.
Jackson, Breeanne K. and S. Mazeika P. Sullivan. 2009. Influence of wildfire severity on riparian plant community heterogeneity in an Idaho, USA wilderness. Forest Ecology and Management 259:24-32.
Sullivan, S. Mazeika P. and Kerri T. Vierling. 2009. Experimental and ecological implications of evening bird surveys in stream-riparian ecosystems. Environmental Management 44:789-799.
Sullivan, S.M.P. and M.C. Watzin. 2009. Stream-floodplain connectivity and fish assemblage diversity in the Champlain Valley, Vermont, USA. Journal of Fish Biology 74:1294-1418.
Sullivan, S. Mazeika P. and Mary C. Watzin. 2008. Relating stream physical habitat condition and concordance of biotic productivity across multiple taxa. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 65:2667-2677.
Sullivan, S. Mazeika P., Mary C. Watzin and William S. Keeton. 2007. A riverscape perspective on habitat associations among riverine bird assemblages in the Lake Champlain Basin, USA. Landscape Ecol. 22:1169-1186.
Braate, Jeffrey H., S. Mazeika P. Sullivan and Erin Chamberlain. 2007. Leaf decomposition and stream macroinvertebrate colonisation of Japanese knotweed, an invasive plant species. Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol 92(6):656-665.
Sullivan, S. Mazeika P., Mary C. Watzin and W. Cully Hession. 2006. Influence of stream geomorphic condition on fish communities in Vermont, U.S.A. Freshwater Biology 51:1811-1826.
Sullivan, S. Mazeika P., Mary C. Watzin and W. Cully Hession. 2004. Understanding stream geomorphic state in relation to ecological integrity: Using habitat assessments and macroinvertebrates. Environmental Management 34(5):669-683.