Profile TabsProfileBrian K. SlaterProfessorslater.39@osu.edu614-292-5891Office: Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Rd., Columbus, OH 43210Professional InformationBiography: Curriculum Vitae Soil Environment Technology Learning Lab Research Interests Soil classificaton Soil survey, data bases and information systems Soil hydrology Sustainable soil management practices Works - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData Mapping numerically classified soil taxa in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania using machine learning Date published: Nov 24 2016 Publication type: Journal article Our Author(s): Brian K. Slater Massawe, B. H. J., S.K. Subburayalu, A.K. Kaaya, L. Winowiecki and B.K. Slater. 2016. Mapping numerically classified soil taxa in Kilombero Valley, Tanzania using machine learning. Geoderma DOI 10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.11.020. Measuring intensity of tillage and plant residue cover using remote sensing Publication type: Journal article Our Author(s): Brian K. Slater Sonmez, Namik Kemal and Brian Slater. 2016. Measuring intensity of tillage and plant residue cover using remote sensing. European Journal of Remote Sensing 49:121-135.