Profile TabsProfileGregory E. HitzhusenAssociate Professor of Professional Practicehitzhusen.3@osu.edu614-292-7739Office: 469E Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Rd., Columbus, OH 43210Professional InformationInterests & Expertise: religion and ecologyeco-theologyreligion and sustainabilitysustainabilityenvironmental writingBiography: Religion and Ecology at The Ohio State University Religion and Environmental Values in America Emerging Perspectives on Religion and Environmental Values in America Earthkeeping Summit 2016 Curriculum Vita Research Interests and Areas of Specialization Theory and practice of faith-community environmental education and ethics Religious influences on environmental attitudes and behavior Environmental ethics; Eco-theology; Religion and ecology Energy and climate change education and outreach trends in faith communities Writing-in-the-majors and sustainability across the curriculum Works - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData Participatory development of key sustainability concepts for dialogue and curricula at The Ohio State University Our Author(s): Gregory E. Hitzhusen Bullock, Clair and Gregory Hitzhusen. 2015. Participatory development of key sustainability concepts for dialogue and curricula at The Ohio State University. Sustainability 7(10):14063-14091.