Profile TabsProfileJack McGowan-StinskiProgram Managermcgowan-stinski.1@osu.edu989-287-1734Office: Williams Hall, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691Professional InformationBiography: Jack McGowan-Stinski manages the Lake States Fire Science Consortium (LSFSC). Jack joined the LSFSC on July 17 taking over for Robert "Zeke" Ziel who was instrumental in getting the LSFSC off and running. Jack comes to the LSFSC with over 20 years of experience working with fire management for The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Cardo JFNew. Jack has a BS in Wildlife Biology and Water Resources from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and a MS in Conservation Biology from Central Michigan University. Jack began his wildland fire career with the USDA Forest Service on wildfire details in the western and midwestern U.S. His focus changed when he began working with TNC where his efforts centered on what he calls the "ecological prescribed fire side." During his career, Jack has led over 325 prescribed burns and has participated as crew or cadre on an additional 150 plus burns. He's qualified as a RXB2 Prescribed Fire Burn Boss and Incident Commander Type 4, and during his time with TNC, he developed, budgeted, and implemented the Integrated Fire Management Plan for Michigan TNC. He also was responsible for leading the effort to develop a statewide fire needs assessment for the state of Michigan. Works - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData