My research is rooted in principles of Landscape Ecology with a focus on understanding the responses of biodiversity and ecological systems to changing landscapes. I work at a variety of scales from regional to local and use a multitude of quantitative tools to address questions in two primary areas. Climate change and landuse change, specifically we are modeling the habitat dynamics of tree and bird species across the Eastern United States. This research theme addresses macroecological processes with a strong interest toward linking these patterns to regional management decisions. Wildlife ecology, we are exploring influences of forest management practices and urbanization on the behavioral decisions and habitat utilization of vertebrates. This research theme focuses heavily on movement ecology to understand habitat requirements for birds.
Forest Bird Group webpage:
Climate Change Atlas webpage:
Skinner, A. A., Matthews, S. N., Ward, M. P., Souza-Cole, I., Wright, J. R., Thompson III, F. R., Benson, T. J and Tonra, C. M. 2022. Eastern Whip-poor-wills have larger nonbreeding home ranges in areas with more agriculture and forest fragmentation. Ornithological Applications, duac050. In Press
Adams, B. T., and Matthews, S. N. 2022. Feature-dependent group structures and hierarchical songbird-habitat relationships in a managed forest landscape. Ecological Indicators, 136, 108717.
Wright, J. R., Matthews, S. N., Pinchot, C. C., and Tonra, C. M. 2022. Preferences of avian seed-hoarders in advance of potential American chestnut reintroduction. Forest Ecology and Management, 511, 120133.
Fotis, A., Flower, C. E., Atkins, J. W., Pinchot, C. C., Rodewald, A. D., and Matthews, S. 2022. The short-term and long-term effects of honeysuckle removal on canopy structure and implications for urban forest management. Forest Ecology and Management, 517, 120251.
Peters, M. P., Matthews, S. N., Prasad, A. M., and Iverson, L. R. 2022. Defining landscape-level forest types: application of latent Dirichlet allocation to species distribution models. Landscape Ecology, 3.
Skinner, A. A., Ward, M. P., Souza‐Cole, I., Wright, J. R., Thompson III, F. R., Benson, T. J., Matthews, S. N., Tonra, C. M. 2022. High spatiotemporal overlap in the non-breeding season despite geographically dispersed breeding locations in the eastern whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus). Diversity and Distributions.
Rosenblatt, C. J., Matthews, S. N., Gates, R. J., Peterman, W. E., and Shumar, M. B.2022. Are Northern Bobwhites an Umbrella Species for Open-land Birds in Ohio? Journal of Wildlife Management.
Adams, B. T., Matthews, S. N., Iverson, L. R., Prasad, A. M., Peters, M. P., and Zhao, K. 2021. Spring phenological variability promoted by topography and vegetation assembly processes in a temperate forest landscape. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 308, 108578.
Rosenblatt, C. J., Gates, R. J., Matthews, S. N., Peterman, W. E., and Stricker, N. J. 2021. An integrated population model to project viability of a northern bobwhite population in Ohio. Ecosphere, 12(9), e03731.
Radcliffe, D. C. Hix, D.M., and Matthews, S.N. 2021. Predisposing factors’ effects on mortality of oak (Quercus) and hickory (Carya) species in mature forests undergoing mesophication in Appalachian Ohio. Forest Ecosystems 8,7
Wright, J. R., Powell, L. L., Matthews, S. N., and Tonra, C. M. 2020. Rusty Blackbirds select areas of greater habitat complexity during stopover. Ornithological Applications, 122(4), 2
Radcliffe, D. C.*, Matthews, S. N., and Hix, D. M. 2020. Beyond oak regeneration: modelling mesophytic sapling density drivers along edaphic, stand structural, and topographic gradients in mature oak-dominated forests of Appalachian Ohio. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 50 (11), 1215-1227 .
Prasad, A., Pedlar, J., Peters, M., McKenney, D., Iverson, L., Matthews, S., and Adams, B. 2020. Combining US and Canadian forest inventories to assess habitat suitability and migration potential of 25 tree species under climate change. Diversity and Distributions, 26(9), 1142-1159.
Adams, B., Iverson, L., Matthews, S., Peters, M., Prasad, A., and Hix, D. 2020. Mapping Forest Composition with Landsat Time Series: An Evaluation of Seasonal Composites and Harmonic Regression. Remote Sensing, 12(4), 610.
Iverson, L. R., Prasad, A. M., Peters, M. P., and Matthews, S. N. 2019. Facilitating Adaptive Forest Management under Climate Change: A Spatially Specific Synthesis of 125 Species for Habitat Changes and Assisted Migration over the Eastern United States. Forests, 10(11), 989.
Tonra, C. M., Wright, J. R., and Matthews, S. N. 2019. Remote estimation of overwintering home ranges in an elusive, migratory nocturnal bird. Ecology and Evolution, 9(22), 12586-12599.
Adams, B. T.*, and Matthews, S. N. 2019. Diverse temperate forest bird assemblages demonstrate closer correspondence to plant species composition than vegetation structure. Ecography, 42(10), 1752-1764.
Peters, M. P., Iverson, L. R., Prasad, A. M., and Matthews, S. N. 2019. Utilizing the density of inventory samples to define a hybrid lattice for species distribution models: DISTRIB‐II for 135 eastern US trees. Ecology and Evolution, 9(15), 8876-8899.
Iverson, L. R., Peters, M. P., Prasad, A. M., and Matthews, S. N. 2019. Analysis of climate change impacts on tree species of the eastern US: Results of DISTRIB-II modeling. Forests, 10(4), 302.
Adams B.T., Matthews S.N., Peters M.P., Prasad A., and Iverson L.R. 2019. Mapping floristic gradients of forest composition using an ordination-regression approach with landsat OLI and terrain data in the Central Hardwoods region. Forest Ecology and Management 434:87-98
Adams B.T., and Matthews S.N. 2018. Enhancing Forest and Shrubland Mapping in a Managed Forest Landscape with Landsat–LiDAR Data Fusion. Natural Areas Journal 38(5):402-419
Iverson L.R., Peters M.P., Bartig J.L., Rebbeck, J., Hutchinson, T.F., Matthews, S.N., and Stout, S. 2018. Spatial modeling and inventories for prioritizing investment into oak-hickory restoration. Forest Ecology and Management 424:355-366
Malpass J., Rodewald A., Matthews S., and Kearns L. 2018 Nest predators, but not nest survival, differ between adjacent urban habitats. Urban Ecosystems:1-14
McCluskey E.M., Matthews S.N., Ligocki I.Y., Holding M.L., Lipps Jr G.J., and Hetherington T.E. 2018. The importance of historical land use in the maintenance of early successional habitat for a threatened rattlesnake. Global Ecology and Conservation 13
Palus J.D., Goebel P.C., Hix D.M., and Matthews S.N. 2018. Structural and compositional shifts in forests undergoing mesophication in the Wayne National Forest, southeastern Ohio. Forest Ecology and Management 430:413-420