CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources



S. Mažeika Patricio Sullivan and Daniel A. Cristol. 2020. Ecological Networks as a Framework for Understanding and Predicting Contaminant Movement Across the Land Water Interface. In J. M. Kraus, D.M. Walters, M.A. Mills (Eds.), Contaminants and Ecological Subsidies (pp. 299-342). Springer

Our Author(s):

Becot, Florence, Shoshanah Inwood, Casper Bendixsen & Carrie Henning-Smith (2020) Health Care and Health Insurance Access for Farm Families in the United States during COVID-19: Essential Workers without Essential Resources?, Journal of Agromedicine, DOI: 10.1080/1059924X.2020.1814924

Our Author(s):

Shoshanah Inwood & Emily Stengel (2020) Working households: Challenges in balancing young children and the farm enterprise, Community Development, DOI: 10.1080/15575330.2020.1800772

Our Author(s):

Kelsey, S.A., Grottoli, A.G., Bauer, J.E., Klaus, L., Lal, R., Matsui, Y. and T.M. Huey-Sanders. Effects of agricultural and tillage practices on isotopic signatures and fluxes of organic and inorganic carbon in headwater streams. Aquat Sci 82, 23 (2020).

Our Author(s):

Sintov, N., **White, L.V., & *Walpole, H. (2019). Thermostat Wars? The roles of gender and thermal comfort negotiations in household energy use behavior. PLOS ONE, 4(11): e0224198.

Kratzer, S., Kyryliuk, D., Edman, M., Philipson, P., Lyon, S.W. (2019) Synergy of Satellite, In Situ and Modelled Data for Addressing the Scarcity of Water Quality Information for Eutrophication Assessment and Monitoring of Swedish Coastal Waters. Remote Sensing, 11, 2051, doi: 10.3390/rs11172051.

Our Author(s):

White, L.V., & Sintov, N. D. (2018). Inaccurate consumer perceptions of monetary savings in a demand-side response programme predict programme acceptance. Nature Energy.

Our Author(s):

Berardo, R. and F. Holm. 2018. The participation of core stakeholders in the design of, and challenges to, the US Clean Power Plan. Climate Policy 18 (9):1152-1164

Our Author(s):

Kost, D; Ladwig, KJ; Chen, LM; DeSutter, TM; Espinoza, L; Norton, LD; Smeal, D; Torbert, HA; Watts, DB; Wolkowski, RP; Dick, WA. 2018.  Meta-Analysis of Gypsum Effects on Crop Yields and Chemistry of Soils, Plant Tissues, and Vadose Water at Various Research Sites in the USA.  Journal of Environmental Quality 47 (5):1284-1292.

Obade, V.D. and R. Moore. 2018. Synthesizing water quality indicators from standardized geospatial information to remedy water security challenges: A review.  Environment International 119: 220-231.
