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School of Environment and Natural Resources


ORWRP Room Reservation Information

Room Reservation Information

The Heffner Wetland Research and Education Building at the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park has several meeting spaces that can accommodate various types of events.  A fee schedule is provided below for those groups outside of the College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Science.  Please access the room reservation form after you have reviewed the space information below.

Space Unit Week Day Rate Weekend Rate Weekday OSU Discounted Rate
Large Conference Room Day* $250.00 $375.00 $190.00
  2-hr. $90.00 N/A 70.00
Small Conference Room Day* $150.00 $225.00 $115.00
  2-hr $55.00 N/A $45.00
Classroom Day* $350.00 $525.00 $265.00
  2-hr $125.00 N/A $95.00
*Daily rentals are 8am – 4pm      


Large Conference Room

The large conference room has seating at the main table to accommodate ~18 people with space for an additional 10 folding chairs around the parameter of the room if needed.  The space has floor to ceiling windows on the north and east sides which provide views over the facilities expansive green space.  There is a projector and screen (VGA/Mac cables), a conference phone, and electrical outlets along the length of the table.  There is no computer available so you will be required to provide your own laptop should you need to use the A/V equipment.
  Conference room 1

Small Conference Room

The small conference room is great for a small, unplugged planning session.  The room has seating for six with windows that run along the southern and eastern sides of the building.  There is no A/V equipment however there is a white board.
  Conference room 2


The classroom is perfect for a larger meeting, presentation, or training session.  The room has capacity for 65 people with a projector and smart screen computer.  You can present using the computer in the space or hook up your own laptop via VGA or HDMI cables provided.
  Classroom 1

Click here for the ORWRP Room Request Form