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School of Environment and Natural Resources



Search results

  1. Meat Science Reserch


  2. Rewarding Conservation Farmers Through Carbon Trading

    According to Ohio State soil science research focusing on soil quality in such countries as the United ...

  3. ESGP Seminar-- Issues in Environmental Science

    The ESGP Seminar welcomes  Peter F. Sale, Professor, Institute for Water, Environment & Health, United Nations University, who will present Solving our Global Environmental Crisis: The Most Serious Crisis for Humanity Since the Pleistocene, in the Car ...

  4. Community Invasive Species Removal Event

    Whole Foods is sponsoring a Kids Day of Service at the Schiermeier Wetland to help FLOW's cleanup. ...

  5. ESGP Seminar-- Issues in Environmental Science

    The ESGP Seminar welcomes Nall Moonilall, MS student (Rattan Lal, advisor), who will present his entrance presentation on The Impact of Biochar and other Soil Amendments on Soil Quality for Some Soils in Guyana, in 3150 Smith Lab. ...

  6. ESGP Seminar-- Issues in Environmental Science

    The ESGP Seminar welcomes David Denlinger, Distinguished University Professor, Department of Entomology who will present Surviving in Antarctica: an Insect Perspective, in 3150 Smith Lab. ...

  7. ESGP Seminar-- Issues in Environmental Science

    The ESGP Seminar welcomes  Jennifer Nietz, Ecologist, who will present  Ecology in the Workplace,  in 3150 Smith Lab. ...

  8. 50th Farm Science Review

    Come visit the OSU Ag Safety and Health displays at the 50th Farm Sciece Review. This year will highlight the launch of the GRAIN C.A.R.T. (Community Ag. Rescue Trailer) and the Ohio AgrAbility program. The GRAIN C.A.R.T  and demonstrations will be locate ...

  9. Past Events


  10. Transgenics Could Pose Planting Challenges This Season

    science of introducing a gene from one organism or plant into the genome of another organism or plant. In ...
