CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources



  1. A sign with names on it on display.

    Six leaders inducted into the 2024 ENR Honorary 100

    Apr 29, 2024

    A ceremony hosted by the Environment and Natural Resources Alumni Society (ENRAS) on April 22 honored six leaders, who were inducted into the ENR Honorary 100. The ceremony was held at the EPN Signature Earth Day Event - Eat This Earth Day! Ohio's Native Plants for Food. The ENR Honorary 100 recognizes outstanding Ohioans who have demonstrated an interest in the School of Environment and Natural Resources and its mission, and those who have created a recognizable impact throughout the Buckeye State.  Meet the 2024 Inductees >>

  2. Four photos of rivers

    SENR alumni weather changing rivers

    Mar 1, 2023

    SENR Alumni center stage at upcoming Environmental Professionals Network breakfast 

    School of Environment and Natural Resources alumni will share their expertise with environmental professionals and students at the March 7 Environmental Professionals Network (EPN) breakfast, Changing Rivers: Enhancing the natural and social wellbeing of Ohio alongside more floods and warmer temperatures. The alumni, along with other experts will explore stormwater management and regional extreme rainfall events and connect these changes to empirical research on the biotic diversity in Ohio’s stream and rivers, and the socio-economic health of human communities. 

  3. Four individuals standing behind a display table with flyers on it and posters behind the individuals.

    ENRAS attended the 2023 OPRA Conference & Trade Show

    Feb 15, 2023

    The ENR Alumni Society (ENRAS) hosted with Ohio University an Alumni Hour Networking Event at the 2023 Ohio Parks and Recreation Association (OPRA) Conference & Trade Show (Jan. 29- Feb. 1) at the Kalahari Conference Center in Sandusky, OH.

  4. President of ENRAS at the podium welcoming guests.

    Reception recognizes ENR Honorary 100

    Oct 6, 2022

    The ENR Alumni Society and the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) celebrated the 2020 inductees to the Honorary 100 on Sept. 30 at a reception held as part of the CFAES Alumni Homecoming Weekend of activities. 

  5. SENR Alumni News with leaf

    Celebrate and catch up with our alumni

    Jan 13, 2022

    Take a moment. Celebrate and catch up with our SENR alumni.

  6. ENRAS autumn 2020 newsletter

    (NEW!) Alumni Connection Available

    Oct 13, 2020

    The autumn 2020 edition of Alumni Connection, your newsletter brought to you by the Environment and Natural Resources Alumni Society (ENRAS) is newly published and ready for your reading pleasure.

    Inside you will learn more about ENRAS, meet Kristina M. Johnson, our 16th president of The Ohio State University and read an interview with new president and CEO of The Ohio State University Alumni Association.  Find out how the School of Environment and Natural Resources made a difference in 2019, and learn about two of our outreach programs - the Ohio Woodland Stewards Program and the Environmental Professionals Network.

  7. Kottman Hall.

    May 2020 Director's Note to Alumni and Friends

    May 12, 2020

    Read the latest School of Environment and Natural Resources Director's Note. 

  8. April 2020 Director's Note to Alumni

    Director's Note to Alumni

    Apr 7, 2020

    Read the April 2020 Director's Note to School of Environment and Natural Resources Alumni.

  9. Professor James Kinder with Professor Emeritus Jerry Bigham at the 2020 CFAES Alumni Society Awards Luncheon.

    Former school director recognized for meritorious service

    Mar 18, 2020

    Jerry Bigham, professor emeritus and former director of the School of Environment and Natural Resources was recognized with the Meritorious Service Award at the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) Alumni Society's annual awards program on March 7, 2020. 

  10. Read more about the happenings of the School of Environment and Natural Resources Alumni Society (ENRAS) in the latest edition of the Alumni Connection.

    Latest Alumni Connection newsletter available

    Oct 1, 2019

    The autumn 2019 edition of Alumni Connection, your newsletter brought to you by the Environment and Natural Resources Alumni Society (ENRAS) is newly published and ready for your reading pleasure. Learn more about ENRAS, the School of Environment and Natural Resources, and how you can become involved. 
