Jul 11, 2024
A team of experts from Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center (BPCRC) and Ohio State University Extension – the outreach arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) have been awarded Ohio State Energy Partners (OSEP) funding to empower teaching and dissemination of climate and weather education.
Through in-person and expanded digital modalities "Improving Weather and Climate Understanding and Teaching Among Ohio Environmental Professionals and Volunteers" will develop new ways to introduce students, volunteers, educators, and park service staff to weather and climate educational materials and integrate these topics further into Extension and Park programming.
Learn more about empowering climate and weather education>>
Jun 9, 2023
COLUMBUS, Ohio–Five innovative research projects have been awarded funding from the new AgTech Innovation Hub, a multimillion-dollar collaboration between The Ohio State University and Nationwide.
Nine researchers in The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) were chosen to pitch their innovative research project ideas to be completed through the AgTech Innovation Hub, said Gary Pierzynski, CFAES associate dean of Research and Graduate Education.
Using a kind of “Shark Tank”-like format, each researcher pitched their ideas before a judging panel, and five were selected for funding. The goal of the research projects, each of which will last for one year, is to find a practical solution to a real-world problem in the agricultural ecosystem while better understanding, managing and mitigating climate risk, Pierzynski said. Read more >>