CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Climate Adaptation

  1. A white barn behind a field of corn.

    NSF Invests in holistic project to help farmers adapt to climate change

    Oct 31, 2023

    The National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded $1.6 million to a collaborative team of scientists to develop improved predictive models to help farmers and policymakers in Ohio, Georgia, and Iowa better prepare for changes in weather, markets, and policies. 

    “We’re trying to understand how the technical, socioeconomic and political landscapes in each state will evolve,” said Douglas Jackson-Smith, Kellogg Chair of Agroecosystem Management and a professor at The Ohio State University in the CFAES School of Environment and Natural Resources, “and how those factors interact with climate change to shape what and where different crops could be grown over the next 30 to 40 years in these three states.”  Learn more about this project and how it will engage farmers and agricultural experts >>

  2. Research News with an image of a graph.

    Graduate student awarded funding to study climate adaptation among Black farmers

    Nov 2, 2021

    Maritza Pierre, a doctoral student in the Rural Sociology specialization in the School of Environment and Natural Resources was awarded North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE) funding via the 2021 Graduate Student Grant Program.

  3. SENR Research News with a graph

    Sustainability and resilience in the Eastern Corn Belt website available

    May 20, 2021

    Faculty member Robyn Wilson is leading an interdisciplinary team project seeking to identify how to promote sustainability and resilience in the Eastern Corn Belt and how farmers’ can adapt to climate-induced risks and uncertainties, while supporting both agricultural production and the protection of critical ecosystem services. A new website that describes the project, shares findings and key takeaways of the team's research is available here.