Aug 13, 2019
Disease-causing air pollution remains high in pockets of America – particularly those where many low-income and African-American people live, a disparity highlighted in research presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association in New York. The nation’s air on the whole has become cleaner in the past 70 years, but those benefits are seen primarily in whiter, higher-income areas, said Kerry Ard, an associate professor of environmental sociology in the School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University. Read the full Ohio State News release by Misti Crane featuring Ard's research that examined air pollution and the demographics of the people who lived in 1-kilometer-square areas throughout a six-state region from 1995 through 1998.
Jul 1, 2019
Professor Emeritus Warren Dick's vision and leadership to establish a new environmental and agricultural university and training center in Ethiopia is featured in a recent article, “Train a Farmer, Feed a Nation: Launching a New Ag University in Ethiopia” by Tracy Hmielowski.
The article appears on the cover of CSA News and describes efforts by Dick and board members to launch The Bethel Environmental and Agricultural University and Training Center, or BEAUTC.
CSA News is a magazine of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America.
Dec 28, 2018
Artificial light at night isn’t just a health problem for those of us sitting in bed scrolling through Instagram instead of hitting the sack — it hurts entire outdoor ecosystems. When the critters that live in and around streams and wetlands are settling into their nighttime routines, streetlights and other sources of illumination filter down through the trees and into their habitat, monkeying with the normal state of affairs, according to new research from The Ohio State University. “This is among the first studies to show that light at night has detrimental effects not just on individual organisms in the environment, but also on communities and ecosystems,” said Mažeika Sullivan, lead author of the study, which appears today (Dec. 19, 2018) in the journal Ecological Applications.
Dec 4, 2018
Ohio State News features new research by School of Environment and Natural Resources faculty member Nicole Sintov and post-doctoral researcher Lee White on utility customers and their decisions to continue to participate in energy-conservation plans. The research published this month in the journal Nature Energy finds that decisions to stay in time-of-use rate energy programs among utility customers in the southwestern United States is based more on perceptions about savings versus actual savings.
Read more about the study and findings in the Ohio State News story written by Misti Crane.
Aug 27, 2018
Migratory birds of the Western Hemisphere, many of which will stop and recharge in Ohio as part of their epic journey south for the winter, was the focus of a talk by Chris Tonra, assistant professor of Avian Wildlife Ecology in the School of Environment and Natural Resources at last week’s Columbus Science Pub held on the patio at COSI. The talk, The Feathered Superhighway Over Our Heads, was featured in the August 23rd Columbus Underground article, “OSU Professor Discusses Ohio’s ‘Feathered Superhighway’ at Columbus Science Pub” written by Jesse Bethea.
Jul 19, 2018
Soil science research on a quick test to measure available nitrogen in soil conducted by School of Environment and Natural Resources post-doctoral researcher Tunissa Hurisso and faculty member and soil fertility specialist Steve Culman and collaborators at Cornell University is featured in the July 18 Soil Science Society of America news release, “Quick Soil Test Aims to Determine Nitrogen Need.”
Jun 20, 2018
Chris Tonra, assistant professor of avian wildlife ecology in the School of Environment and Natural Resources is quoted in The Columbus Dispatch article (June 19), “Global warming impacts everything from birds to allergies.” The article discusses the impact higher average temperatures and changes in precipitation is having on nature and in particular growing seasons, ranges of birds, plants, insects, and coral reefs. Read the full story here.
Jun 20, 2018
Robyn Wilson, associate professor and Bill Mitsch, emeritus professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources are quoted in a recent article in The Christian Science Monitor. The article, "Wanted: Innovative farmers to help slow algal bloom on Lake Erie" discusses farmer and scientific efforts to understand and address Lake Erie water quality.
Jun 19, 2018
Who We Are, on the website of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, features Rattan Lal, a distinguished professor at The Ohio State University and director of the Carbon Management and Sequestration Center. The story chronicles Professor Lal’s 50 years of scientific work and contributions to soil science.
May 7, 2018
Kristi Lekies, an associate professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources was awarded an Office of International Affairs Academic Enrichment Grant for travel to Germany in Autumn 2018. She will be working with the Institute for Applied Research on Childhood, Youth, and the Family (IFK) at the University of Potsdam, visiting research centers, and networking with higher education programs in the natural resources field. In the mid-1990’s, Kristi conducted her dissertation research on rural youth in the state of Brandenburg, which was part of the former East Germany. Her work with IFK will focus on a 20-year follow up study to understand changes in rural communities and life opportunities for youth over time.
Thirty Ohio State students and faculty are the recipients of the 2017-2018 Academic Enrichment Grants, enabling them to conduct research over the next year in a variety of international locations. The grant competition, with separate tracks for undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty, is supported by the Office of International Affairs, the Office of Research and the Office of Undergraduate Education. Read more about the grant and awardees.