CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Faculty Research

  1. Driver in an electric vehicle in a tunnel.

    How a test drive may lead to an electric vehicle purchase

    Dec 20, 2022

    Taking a spin boosts buyer identity as an early technology adopter

    There’s something about test driving an electric vehicle that boosts some potential buyers’ personal identity as being early adopters of the latest technologies, a new study has found. And that strengthened sense of being a timely user of new gadgetry was linked to a higher likelihood that the test-driver would show interest in buying the car, the study suggested.  Though the test drive also increased study participants’ impression that an electric vehicle could function as a status symbol, that expectation did not translate into interest in making a purchase. The findings help increase understanding of what fuels consumer behavior behind purchases related to sustainability and offers insights that could guide electric vehicle (EV) marketing efforts, said senior author Nicole Sintov, associate professor of behavior, decision making and sustainability at The Ohio State University. 

  2. A bar graph in white along the bottom and Research News at the top

    Team awarded Catalyst funding

    Dec 12, 2022

    Faculty member Jeffrey Jacquet is a co-investigator on a recently awarded Catalyst grant, "Pathways for the Hydrogen Economy to Enhance Sustainability" through the President’s Research Excellence (PRE) program at The Ohio State University. 

  3. Buckeye leaf in the foreground with Research News on top or in front of the buckeye leaf

    Faculty research in The Washington Post

    Dec 5, 2022

    Kerry Ard, associate professor in the SENR and Clair Bullock, a graduate student in SENR are co-authors of a new paper published in Science featured in The Washington Post. 

  4. Salamander

    Have a minute? Check out this KX Quick Take on Salamander Research

    Sep 1, 2022

    How do salamanders face challenges from wildfires? That is the question, KX poses in a feature on recently published research conducted by SENR graduate students and faculty. Learn about the important role of salamanders in forest ecosystems and their vulnerability and response to wildfire hazards. 

  5. Farewell Transmission exhibition debuts on campus this semester.

    Ohio Communities transitioning away from coal explored in new exhibition on campus

    Aug 23, 2022

    A new exhibition Farewell Transmission: Community Resilience amid the End of Coal in Ohio debuts this week (August 23) at the Hopkins Hall Gallery through September 16, with a companion exhibit at Thompson Library Special Collections through the end of February 2023.

  6. Red barn on a farm. Photo: Pixabay

    Medical economic vulnerability and farm resilience

    Jun 6, 2022

    The National Farm Medicine Center released "Majority of farm families worry about major medical expenses, and it could threaten their farm business," which discusses the findings of a published study in the peer reviewed journal, Agriculture and Human Values authored by SENR alum Dr. Florence Becot and faculty member Shoshanah Inwood

  7. A beaver dam (on the left) on the berm/edge of a pond at The Wilds. Photo credit: Rachel Gabor

    Faculty member quoted in Sierra

    May 5, 2022

    SENR faculty member Dr. Rachel Gabor is quoted in the Sierra article, "We Don't Deserve Beavers." 

    The article discusses the connection between beavers and water quality. Dr. Gabor's research examining the role of beavers in remediation of old mine lands is featured.

  8. WATERTODAY Interview with Dr. Steven Lyons

    Feb 25, 2022

    A new interview in WATERTODAY with SENR Associate Professor in Hydrology and Water Resources Steven W. Lyon is available and discusses tile drainage research and the role of best management practices. Read the interview.

  9. Remaining tied to coal mining risks the future viability of Appalachian counties. (Getty Images photo)

    Canaries in a coal mine: Energy transitions in Appalachian coal regions, and a roadmap for the rocky transition out of coal

    Feb 14, 2022

    U.S. coal industry employment fell 94% over the last century and is expected to almost disappear by 2050. As the nation transitions away from coal, regions and communities must learn to adapt.

    A new study by researchers at The Ohio State University is the first to go beyond national trends to analyze how the coal industry affects local Appalachian counties—a coal-intensive region spanning 13 states and 420 counties—and outline policy recommendations to support successful transitions away from coal. Read more.

  10. Optimized Shrub System Field Day

    Innovative Crop Management System for Rainfed Crops focus of Field Day

    Nov 9, 2021

    Farmers, researchers, students, extension specialists and NGOs came together for the inaugural Field Day of the Optimized Shrub System (OSS), an innovative management system developed for rainfed crops in the West African Sahel.
