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School of Environment and Natural Resources


invasive species

  1. Woodland

    Workshop explores hidden and obvious impacts of invasive species

    Sep 26, 2023

    Landowners, woodland owners and natural resource managers will have the opportunity to learn about invasive species and their impacts - those seen and unseen at an upcoming class offered by the Ohio Woodland Stewards Program in Warren County, OH.

    The class will discuss both non-native invasive plants and non-native invasive insects and other invasives on the radar. Learn more and register today >> 

  2. Japanese barberry berries. Photo by Kathy Smith.

    New Factsheet explores two non-native invasive barberry species

    Sep 14, 2022

    Common barberry or European barberry, Berberis vulgaris, and Japanese barberry, Berberis thunbergii and their management is the focus of a new Factsheet available via Ohioline.

    Discover the origins of these species, how to identify them, how they spread and management options. In the Factsheet, learn about new research examining the relationship between tick populations and Japanese barberry. 

  3. Great Lakes Early Detection Network (GLEDN) Webinar

    What to watch: Learn about an App to Report Invasive Species

    May 19, 2021

    This news item was originally published on the SENR website in August 2020.
    This week is National Invasive Species Awareness Week. Learn about a tool to help to track and report invasive species in this video with OSU Extension specialists in forestry, horticulture, wildlife, and aquatic ecology.

  4. 'Plant That Ate the South' Is Here: Poster Tells Public to Watch Out for Kudzu

    Apr 10, 2014

    Kudzu, the “plant that ate the South,” is now in Ohio. And experts want people to know it. A new identification poster featuring the climbing, entwining, engulfing invader is available.  “Kudzu is in scattered spots in Ohio. One of the reasons for the poster is to get a better idea of where and how much of a problem it is,” said Kathy Smith, director of OSU Extension's Ohio Woodland Stewards Program. “We’re hoping to raise awareness of kudzu specifically and of invasive species in general."

  5. New Fact Sheet Describes and Documents Feral Swine Population and Their Threat to Agriculture and Natural Resources

    Nov 25, 2013

    It’s hard to farm sustainably if your crops get wiped out by wild hogs. Here’s what you can do about it, courtesy of a new fact sheet (pdf) published by CFAES’s statewide outreach arm, OSU Extension. 

  6. Suspect an invasive species? Report your sighting using smartphone App

    Jun 5, 2013

    The Great Lakes Early Detection Network app allows users to take pictures of suspected invasive species, upload the pictures and locations for verification. It can be downloaded free at