CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Jeremy Bruskotter

  1. The grizzly, or brown, bear in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is posed to lose protections under the Endangered Species Act. Photo credit:  Jim Peaco, Yellowstone National Park

    Role of bias investigated in listing decisions of grizzly bears

    Jun 23, 2016

    School of Environment and Natural Resources faculty members Jeremy T. Bruskotter and Robyn S. Wilson are co-authors with Professor John A. Vucetich, Michigan Technology University, on an article recently published in The Conversation. The article focuses on grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) and seeks to gain insight into the role bias may play in listing decisions of species under the Endangered Species Act.



  2. Working Group Formed to Build Capacity for Science-Based Solutions to Carnivore Conflicts in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

    Nov 10, 2014

    Jeremy Bruskotter, associate professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources is chairing a new working group seeking to design and create scientific research aimed at managing large carnivore conflicts in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE).  

  3. Plan to Delist Gray Wolf Endangers Other Threatened Species, Researchers Find

    Jan 9, 2014

    Scientists say proposal to end wolf protection across U.S. disregards science, history, threats   The federal government’s proposal to discontinue protection for the gray wolf across the United States could have the unintended consequence of endangering other species, researchers say.  
  4. Faculty Partnering on One Health Initiative

    Jul 31, 2013

    School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) faculty Dr. Robyn Wilson and Dr. Jeremy Bruskotter are partnering on a major health initiative in Ethiopia that seeks to chart a new course for a healthier future for Ethiopians.