CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Mazeika Sullivan

  1. In the Media with a Buckeye

    Faculty Member Quoted in National Geographic

    Jul 26, 2021

    School of Environment and Natural Resources faculty member Mažeika Sullivan is quoted in the recent National Geographic article, "Extreme heat triggers mass die-offs and stress for wildlife in the West." Dr. Sullivan discusses the important role of context when seeking to understand the impacts of extreme heat on wildlife.

  2. A tree swallow perches atop a constructed nest box at Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park in central Ohio. Photos by Joseph Corra

    Study finds health trade-offs for wildlife as urbanization expands

    Nov 18, 2020

    City living appears to improve reproductive success for migratory tree swallows compared to breeding in more environmentally protected areas, a new five-year study suggests. But urban life comes with a big trade-off – health hazards linked to poorer water quality.  “With urbanization expanding worldwide, we are transforming the landscape. And this isn’t going away,” said lead author Mažeika Sullivan of the new study featured in Ohio State News Sullivan is the director of the Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park at Ohio State. “My lab is looking at how urbanization affects multiple responses of ecosystems – what those changes are and quantifying them, but also seeing what this tells us about how we can manage and conserve ecosystems and wildlife in this context.

  3. Faculty to study sources and fates of nutrients in Ohio River basin watersheds

    Nov 26, 2015

    Mažeika Sullivan, Kris Jaeger, Lauren Pintor, and Kaiguang Zhao, faculty in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, have been awarded a grant to study the sources and fates of nutrients in watersheds of the Ohio River basin. The project addresses the arising need to further quantify, spatially and temporally, phosphorus and nitrogen dynamics and their influences on aquatic life and harmful algal blooms

  4. SENR scientists author chapter in newly published book

    Jul 22, 2015

    Breeanne Jackson and advisor Dr. Mazeika Sullivan are the lead authors of a chapter in the newly published book, The Ecological Importance of Mixed-Severity Fires: Nature’s Phoenix, co-edited by Dominick DellaSala and Chad Hanson of the John Muir Project. 

  5. Sullivan chosen for Fulbright biodiversity chair

    Feb 19, 2015

    Mazeika Sullivan, associate professor and assistant director, School of Environment and Natural Resources, has been selected for a 2015-16 Fulbright U.S. Scholar grant — specifically, the Fulbright-National University Distinguished Chair in Biodiversity and Sustainable Development award. The award, based at the National University of Colombia, seeks to promote, communicate and exchange new academic and research developments in the fields of biodiversity and sustainability with the goal of developing research collaboration among the academic, scientific and practitioner communities from different fields of knowledge at a national and international level. 
  6. Ohio State Study: What Happens to a River When a Dam Comes Down?

    Apr 8, 2014

    Tear down a dam and a river will change. But just how much? And what will it do to what lives in the river?
    To find out, scientists in Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences are looking no farther than their own backyard. Mazeika Sullivan and Kristin Jaeger, assistant professors in the college's School of Environment and Natural Resources, are studying the effects of dam removal at two former dams in Columbus: the Fifth Avenue dam on the Olentangy River, which flows through Ohio State's campus, and the Main Street dam on the Scioto River some five miles south downtown.
  7. CFAES’s Sullivan Nets Ohio State Distinguished Teaching Award

    Mar 31, 2014

    In a surprise visit to SENR’s monthly faculty meeting on Friday, March 28, Ohio State Interim President Joseph A. Alutto presented Mazeika Sullivan, assistant professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) with the university’s 2014 Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching.
  8. SENR Faculty Member to Discuss Future of Olentangy River

    Apr 15, 2013

    Dr. Mazeika Sullivan, a faculty member in the School of Environment and Natural Resources will serve as a panelist on the upcoming "Restoring our Rivers, Imagining our Future: The Olentangy" in Columbus on Thursday, April 18th at 5:30 p.m. (doors opening at 5:00 p.m.) at OSU's Faculty Club.  

  9. Walls are Moving at the Wetlands and More News!

    Mar 8, 2013

    Renovations are progressing at the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park!