CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Study Abroad

  1. Sustainable Change Program Offers Students Service-Learning and Development Experience in Ghana, West Africa

    Jun 23, 2014

    During May Session 2014 School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) Research Associate and Lecturer Joe Campbell, Kim Burton, a professor in City and Regional Planning (CRP) and 10 OSU students traveled to Ghana to participate in the interdisciplinary, Study Abroad program, “Ghana Sustainable Change” (CRPLAN 5798).

  2. Australia Study Abroad – A Once in a Lifetime Experience

    Jul 7, 2013

    Tricia Evans, a fourth year SENR student majoring in Environmental Policy and Decision Making spent May Session studying abroad in Australia with 43 other Ohio State University students.  The Australia program, Sustaining the Environment and Human Societies allows students to explore relationships between people and their natural environment through sustainable development.  SENR faculty, Dr. Eric Toman and Dr. Kris Jaeger served as resident directors for the program.