Jun 11, 2019
Ohio State News published a story, "A deadly strike for migrating birds" on efforts by students and faculty at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative to learn more about and prevent deadly collisions for migrating birds. The story informs and describes student engagement in Lights Out Buckeyes, a project launched last year by School of Environment and Natural Resources students Kandace Glanville1 and Tyler Ficker and sponsored by the Ohio State Ornithology Club, that aims to learn more about window collisions and assess the scope of the problem on the Ohio State campus. The project seeks to answer questions such as: How many birds are victims of these collisions? Are some buildings attracting more collisions? And, is there any way to help prevent these usually deadly window strikes?
Kandace graduated in May 2019 with a degree in wildlife science, but is still an active Lights Out Buckeyes volunteer.
Feb 18, 2019
Environmental policy and decision making major Harrison Fried is featured as one of 205 students participating in this year's Denman Undergraduate Research Forum at The Ohio State University on February 20. His research focuses on pollution in Lake Erie (algal and sedimentary turbidity) and how it affects the swimming performance of two minnows: the Emerald Shiner and the Golden Shiner. Read more here about the research he conducted last summer at Stone Laboratory, Ohio State’s island campus on Lake Erie.
Mar 30, 2018
The 2018 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, put on by the Undergraduate Research Office and with support from Martha and Richard Denman gives students the opportunity to showcase their research, scholarships, and other creative activities to Ohio State.
This years' forum will be held on April 3rd, from 8am-5pm at the Ohio Union, Archie Griffin Grand Ballroom.
Apr 24, 2017
The Ohio State University is the lead research partner for the Smart Columbus program, but it’s not just faculty leading the way. Students are also working to make Columbus a smarter city. Students from the School of Environment and Natural Resources showed off their senior projects at the Environmental Professionals Network breakfast on Tuesday and the Smart Columbus program was the focus of nine of the projects.
Apr 3, 2017
Students from many majors at The Ohio State University presented their research at the 22nd Annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. The Denman Forum is a competitively judged opportunity for students to share outstanding research with the Ohio State community and public. Several students from the School of Environment and Natural Resources were selected to present their research at the Denman Forum.
Feb 27, 2017
School of Environment and Natural Resources undergraduate researchers took 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the environment & plant science category at this year's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) Undergraduate Research Forum. On February 28, students representing many majors,across the college shared their research with members and friends of The Ohio State University community. The Forum, an annual event, facilitates scientific exchange between students, faculty, and the public. The opportunity also prepares students for the annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, which is scheduled later in the spring semester on the Ohio State campus.
Apr 5, 2016
Congratulations to undergraduate students in the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR), who presented their research at the Richard J. and Martha D. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum held on the campus of The Ohio State University on March 30, 2016.
Oct 26, 2015
Tiffany Atkinson, a senior honor’s student majoring in Environmental Science in the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) is soaking up all she can as an undergraduate researcher in the school. Atkinson, who is specializing in water science, spent four weeks in Uganda this past summer conducting research at the Lake Nabugabo Research Station where she studied piscivorous birds (specifically multiple species of African Kingfishers) and whether they tend to hunt for fish in more clear or turbid (i.e. muddy) waters.
Sep 23, 2015
Undergraduate scholars in the School of Environment and Natural Resources presented their research at the 2015 Fall Undergraduate Research Student Poster Forum on the campus of The Ohio State University.
Aug 12, 2015
Benjamin Schott, a junior with a double major in biochemistry and molecular genetics at The Ohio State University, is spending his summer investigating the effects of nutritional programming in yellow perch juveniles. Benjamin is a recipient of a 2015 Ohio State Undergraduate Research Office (URO) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.