Internships are a great way for students to apply what they learn in the classroom to a professional working environment. The internship experience is also a great way for students to determine if their chosen career path is the right fit for them. Each year more and more SENR students are completing internships. Here are a few stories that highlight some of the benefits or skills gained from an internship. The School of Environment and Natural Resources would like to thank the many individuals, organizations and companies helping to provide our undergraduate students with these important learning and employment opportunities.
Internship Yields GPS and GIS Technology Skills and More
Alissa M. Finke
Major: Environmental Science: Restoration Ecology
Conservation Department Intern at The Holden Arboretum
Summer 2014
I worked outside every day doing numerous tasks. I primarily worked at removing invasive species.
We managed about 10 invasive species while I was there over the summer. We hand picked, cut down, or sprayed the invasive depending on how each plant was managed. Our primary target was hand picking and carrying out Garlic Mustard and spraying the seedlings with a biodegradable herbicide.
I also participated in several wetland delineations, trail mapping and restoration maintenance within The Holden Arboretum's 3,000 acres of natural area. I most enjoyed my direct involvement with developing a Rapid Upland Forest Assessment and my work with invasive worm monitoring. I gained skills regarding basic GPS and GIS technology and plant identification. I loved it!
Internship helps prepare student for career in environmental
Major: Environmental Policy and Decision Making
This opportunity allowed me to experience the private consulting side of the environmental career field. Previously, I interned at the Ohio
EPA so I have experience in both sectors now.
Internship strengthens knowledge of environmental regulations
Grace Poling
Major: Environmental Science
Environmental Intern with Marathon Petroleum Company
Summer 2014
I worked under the Health, Environment, and Safety Professionals at the Texas City Refinery in Texas City, TX. I gained experience with environmental regulations and also air and water testing equipment. I also had the opportunity to work with the EPA, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), contractors, and at the Marathon headquarters. Working at a refinery, I learned a lot about the process and was able to climb on equipment and get my hands dirty. There were other interns there that I became great friends with doing volunteer work, exploring the Houston, Texas area, and attending other Marathon events. Working with Marathon Petroleum was a wonderful opportunity that allowed me to gain great experience, make great contacts, and experience a new location.
Internship produces memorable teaching moments
Students interested in learning more about environment and natural resource-related internships and other career services can visit:
November 2014.