CFAES Give Today

School of Environment and Natural Resources


Your Honors Committee

Your Honors Thesis Committee

In addition to completing your honors thesis, you are also required to present and defend your thesis through an oral examination the semester of graduation. Your honors thesis committee will conduct the oral examination.

Your honors thesis committee must include 3 faculty members:

  • Your faculty advisor from SENR
  • Another faculty member with appropriate area of expertise from SENR or another department on campus (this may include non-tenure track faculty such as visiting professors and auxiliary faculty)
  • A faculty representative from the SENR Honors Committee (this representative will be chosen for you)

Research associates and others with expertise may serve on your committee, however they would be an addition to the three faculty as described above.

You are responsible for sending your thesis to your committee no later than two weeks prior to your defense. Your committee will read your thesis and discuss it with you during your oral defense. They will likely make suggestions for improvement before it is submitted to the Knowledge Bank.

Your Committee must be established and reported to Renee Johnston as a part of your Graduation Checklist by the tenth Friday of the semester you plan to graduate.